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宝塔镇河妖 SP长不高!老外理解国服黑话第二弹

战舰世界  · 公众号  · 游戏  · 2017-06-27 11:31





各位舰长大家好,今天是老外眼中的国服黑话第二弹。 昨天我带大家一起看了一下老外帖子的部分内容,今天我们再来一起看一下第二部分。首先,惯例先来一套我认为最喜感的。

· 本良辰/Benson-the-Messenger-at-Dawn

· 弗斩仙/Fletcher-the-God-Slayer

· 基日天/Gearing-the-One-Who-Fucks-the-Heavens






· 本子岛/Porno-shima: Katori. Because her sister Kashima in Kantai Collection enjoys an almost unrivald popularity among hentai fanarts. Although this is kind of uncalled for since Katori herself in Kancolle never got that much attention.

· 本子风/Porno-kaze: Shimakaze. For a long while, Shimakaze enjoyed high popularity in Kancolle, and there has been many hentai fanfic of her.



· 大傻/Dumbo    金刚

· 长萌/Nagamon    长门

· 撑伞的大姐姐/The-lady-with-the-umbrella    大和

· 大魔王/Demon Lord    北上

· 驱逐王/King of DDs    矶风

· 包子/Bun    吹雪

· 老板娘/Bar Owner    凤翔

· 女儿/Daughter    瑞凤

· 砧板/Flatboard    龙骧

· 太太/Wife    翔鹤

· 漏尿凤/Piss-leaking-hou    大凤

· 颜艺/Dat face    妙高级

简单些说,这些名字都是从某款页游的梗衍生出来的,即使是一些不玩的船长想必也知道来源。另外我再详细说明一下其中几个可能大家不太熟悉的吧。 驱逐王——矶风,矶风声优是川澄绫子,和骑士王的声优相同,所以得了这么个绰号。漏尿凤——大凤,大凤沉没前被鱼雷打坏了燃料库,油料在海面上泄漏了很远,形似失禁。老板娘,女儿,砧板就是凤翔—龙骧这么一路,都是根据其人物形象起出来的绰号。 


· 运煤船/Coal Transport Vessel    兰利

· 列太太/Lady Lex    列克星敦

· 饺子/Dumplings    埃塞克斯

· 违章建筑/Unregulated Building Structure    扶桑

· 压码头/Dock-sitter    大和

· 北宅/Northern Otaku    提尔皮茨




列太太在二战期间的绰号就是列夫人,美帝下饺子一样的埃塞克斯级,扶桑级那仿佛在搭积木一样的违章建筑舰桥,死蹲码头不出港的压码头和北宅,历史梗对于老外来说还是相对容易理解的,而且也都理解的非常准确。 当然,还有很多的内容,但是限于篇幅以及趣味性相对较低一些,我就不给大家放出来了,啊对了,再放一个有些邪恶的~

· 中出岛/In-the-Mid-way-of-being-fucked: Midway. I slightly altered the translation to give a better and more work-safe way of understanding this nickname. It is a play on Midway's Chinese translation 中途岛 (Zhong-Tu-Dao) and altering 途 to 出 (Chu). As to what 中出 means, ask someone else. Nickname endured because Hakuryu's unfair advantage over her.



· 合金飞机大日航/ Titanium Planes of the IJN CV (IJN planes have less health the US counterparts)

· 极品射界大猴子/Kurfust the one with the Best firing angle

· 全面防御牛头人/Minotaur of Absolute Defense (you have covered this one)

· 全场最佳大堡垒/Colorado the play of the game

· 隐身巨炮元首驱/Furher's Big Guns Stealth firing Destroyers (When Stealth firing was not removed, the German DDs have huge gun bloom compared to others)

· 动植物园XX服(两个字我就不写了。。。饭碗重要)/ Chinese server where Zoo and Botanic Garden are one. (in chinese server Japanese names are all censored and given names of animals (CV, BB, CA) Plants(DDs)

· 激光散布妙义级/Lazer dispersion of the Myogi Class (OP have covered this one)

· 最强鱼雷大河内/Best torpedo of the Kawachi (Only good for ramming)

· 合理飞控美航母/US CV with Good Flight Loadouts

· 激光弹道美帝驱/Lazer arc of US DD

· 铜墙铁壁大古鹰/Steel Wall levels of Protection of the Great Furutaka

· 屠幼神船斯鲁呃/best sealclubbing ship the Karlsruhe

· 防空铁幕大藏王/Ultimate AA shield of the legendary zao

· 最硬巡洋基洛夫/Best armoured cruiser the Kirov

· 极速换舵莫斯科/Moskow the one with the best rudder shift

· 金刚不坏彭萨科/Diamond like-unbroken Pensacola.

· 占点狂魔大和号/The ultimate capping ship the Yamato (too much camping BB in the back)

· 隐形刺客兴灯泡/Stealth Ninja the Hindenburg (the concealment is BB level)

· 飞机杀手圣路易/St. Louis the plane killer

· 迅捷斥候鸡肉卷/The need for speed: New mexico (slow at 21 knots)

· 不穿装甲扶桑级/Unpenetrable armour of the Fuso class

· 交叉雷鱼大博格/Double squadron torpedo drop of the Bogue

· 团队之盾蒙大拿/Montana the ultimate tanker of the team

· 全图射程大基林/Gearing with cross-map range

· 转场支援怀俄明/The Wyoming with good speed to switch flanks to support team

· 超级巨炮大提子/Tirpitz with the big guns

· 永不进水长门级/Never flooding of the Nagato class

· 海峡勇士中途岛/The strait warrior the Midway class (Reference: Some match, Two brothers. Midway in the middle)

· 极品射界北卡罗/The North carolina of good salvo angle

· 超长鱼雷基日天/Kiev the one with the longest torpedo range

· 航母噩梦阿肯色/The terror of CVs-Alakansas (OP covered this one)

· 水平弹道大克爹/ Cleveland with flat arcs

· 极速瞄准愤怒级/Quick as lighting turrets of the Gnvey class

· 不死血牛大峡谷/Unsinkable Hitpoints whore the Colorado

· 永不坏炮沙俄皇/Unbreakable Guns of the Nikolai

· 无敌拖刀出云级/Best ship for kniting other ships-the invincible Izumo

· 制空霸主瑞凤号/Zuiho the Air superiority queen ( one plane squadron vs 2 of the Bogue, Well)

· 手残福音大白龙/Hakuryu for those who is bad at RTS games (it have eight! squadrons)

· 扛线输出岛风酱/DPM machine and tank in one-the Shimakaze

· 神之隐蔽哈巴狗/God like concealment of the Khabarovsk

· 侧面无敌依阿华/Ultimate side protection of the Iowa

· 铁面游侠纽伦堡/Steel wall of the Nurnberg (OP covered this one already)
