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Nildojose Arquitetura | 冷暖交织的诗意

室内设计联盟网  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-21 14:00



About the design company

毕业于 圣保罗 Presbiteriana Mackenzie大学,年轻的建筑师Nildo José一直很清楚自己的目标:“建筑需要让人持续使用,而且要讲述一个故事,成为幸福的背景”。在这个职业目标中,与设计的趋势保持密切联系,当代视觉艺术和功能性的连接。他相信“眼力训练,不同旅行和文化的影响和图像,吸收和融合了巴西的传统和材料。最终,他们完成了具有国际语言的项目,但具有巴西特色,符合年轻群体需求的优雅的环境。

Apartment DJN


位于巴西圣保罗的顶层复式公寓,面积为266 平米 ,为一对年轻夫妇所设计 。其简单的形式、克制的灰泥替代了丰富的材料色彩,带来极强的视觉冲击力与空间体验。
A penthouse duplex apartment in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with an area of 266 square meters, designed by a young couple. Its simple form and restrained stucco replace the rich material colors, bringing strong visual impact and spatial experience.

作为年轻化个性化的设计团队,Nildojose Arquitetura很少会在几个项目中采用同一种设计手法。这个项目中,将冷与暖,坚硬与柔软进行融合,碰撞,营造出独一无二的视觉体验。
As a young and personalized design team, Nildojose Arquitetura rarely adopts the same design approach in several projects. In this project, the fusion and collision of cold and warm, hard and soft create a unique visual experience.

善于采用材质对比的Nildojose Arquitetura团队巧妙运用材料拼接营造虚拟的空间区隔的同时,也丰富了空间层次,而在静区,则加大了木质与布艺的比例,以突出家的温馨与舒适。
The Nildojose Arquitetura team, who are good at using material comparisons, cleverly uses material splicing to create virtual spatial partitions while also enriching the spatial hierarchy. In the quiet area, the proportion of wood and fabric is increased to highlight the warmth and comfort of the home.

The kitchen is separated by folding doors to meet the overall aesthetics while taking into account the needs of open use.

The mas ter bedroom is dominated by calm teak wood, which runs through the walls to create a cinematic feel. The texture of the wood is matched by the soft glow of the brass wall lamps, which not only injects warmth into the space, but also adds a sense of layer. A minimalist white linen material is chosen for the bedding and curtains, which plays a key role in the dark tone, while bringing a light visual effect and balancing the weight of the space.。



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