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美语情景对话|And the winner is ... ? 冠军花落谁家

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-09-01 16:36


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Aimee: So why do you think Britain never wins? Is it because their songs are always terrible?
艾米: 你为什么认为英国从来没有获得过冠军?是因为英国选手的歌曲很糟糕吗?
Katie: Well, I mean, I disagree as a British person. I think the songs are always awesome, of course.
凯蒂: 作为英国人,我当然不同意这种说法。我认为歌曲很棒。
Aimee: Okay.
艾米: 好。
Katie: But usually, how people win Eurovision is when you want to vote for a country, you have to ring up . And people always vote for the countries that are next door to them.
凯蒂: 但是,通常要想获得欧洲歌唱大赛的冠军,就要得到投票,观众要为一个国家投票,要打电话投票。而人们通常会为邻国的选手投票。
Aimee: Okay.
艾米: 好。
Katie: So countries that are close to them. So the UK really only has Ireland next door.
凯蒂: 他们会投票给离自己国家近的选手。而英国的邻国只有爱尔兰。
Aimee: Yeah.
艾米: 对。
Katie: So we only really ever get votes from Ireland.
凯蒂: 所以我们只能得到爱尔兰观众的投票。
Aimee: Right.
艾米: 好。
Katie: We're not close to any other countries.
凯蒂: 我们和其他国家离得都很远。
Aimee: Not friendly.
艾米: 不太友好。
Katie: Not friendly.
凯蒂: 不友好。
Aimee: Yeah. I guess that's it.
艾米: 嗯,我想这就是原因。
Katie: Yeah.
凯蒂: 对。
Aimee: It's not physical closeness, it's like emotional closeness as well, isn't it?
艾米: 不只是距离远,情感亲近度也不高,对吧?
Katie: We're not either. We're not physically close or emotionally close to any countries in Europe, so.
凯蒂: 没错。不只是距离远,我们同欧洲其他国家的情感亲密度也很低。
Aimee: That's true.
艾米: 这是事实。
Katie: We don't get any points.
凯蒂: 我们得不到投票。
Aimee: So which countries typically manage to get a lot of votes then?
艾米: 那通常哪些国家能得到大量投票?
Katie: Countries that are in the middle, that have countries all around them. So like Austria has lots of countries surrounding it. Germany has lots of countries surrounding it. Yeah. England just doesn't have a chance of winning. The UK will never win Eurovision song contest ever again.
凯蒂: 位于欧洲中部地区的国家,这些国家有很多邻国。比如奥地利和德国。英国没有获胜的机会。英国永远不会再次获得欧洲歌唱大赛冠军了。
Aimee: Unless they change their foreign policy, perhaps.
艾米: 除非他们改变外交政策,也许这个方法有用。
Katie: Or unless we just move the entire country in the middle of Europe.
凯蒂: 或者除非他们把整个国家搬到欧洲中部去。
Aimee: Well, that's not going to happen, isn't it?
艾米: 嗯,这是不可能发生的,对吧?
Katie: We can dream. We can dream.
凯蒂: 我们可以梦想。我们可以梦想。
Aimee: So it's not possible to vote for your own country?
艾米: 不能给自己的国家投票吗?
Katie: No. You can't vote for your own country. You have to vote for any other country except for yours.
凯蒂: 不能。你不能给自己的国家投票。你必须给除了自己国家以外的其他国家投票。
Aimee: Oh, I see.
艾米: 哦,我明白了。
Katie: Otherwise, Russia would just win it every time. Russia is so big.
凯蒂: 否则每次获胜的都会是俄罗斯了。因为俄罗斯是一个非常大的国家。
Aimee: That's true. I didn't think about that. It has a massive population. So how does it work exactly? You're sitting at home. You're watching the TV, and then you have to pick up the phone and call, is that it?
艾米: 没错。我没有想到这点。俄罗斯是人口大国。那具体怎么操作?你坐在家里,在电视上看比赛,然后拿起电话投票,是这样吗?
Katie: Yeah. When everyone sung their song, they will show you telephone numbers for each country.
凯蒂: 对。在所有选手都演唱完之后,他们会告诉你每个国家的投票电话。
Aimee: Okay.
艾米: 好。
Katie: And you have to choose the country that you liked the best.
凯蒂: 你要选出你最喜欢的国家。
Aimee: Okay.
艾米: 嗯。
Katie: And then you call that number, and that counts as one vote for that country.
凯蒂: 然后拨打电话,这样那个国家就会得一票。
Aimee: Right.
艾米: 好。
Katie: And then the country that gets the most votes gets 12 points.
凯蒂: 得到最多票数的国家计12分。
Aimee: Okay.
艾米: 好。
Katie: And then the next country down gets 10 points and then 8 points, all the way down to 1 point.
凯蒂: 排名第二的国家得到10分,排名第三的得8分,排在后面的国家依次递减1分。
Aimee: Okay.
艾米: 好。
Katie: But a lot of countries in Eurovision sometimes get 0 points for the entire show.
凯蒂: 但是许多国家会在欧洲歌唱大赛中得0分。
Aimee: Oh dear.
艾米: 天哪。
Katie: The UK often gets 0 points.
凯蒂: 英国就经常得0分。
Aimee: Do they?
艾米: 是吗?
Katie: Yes.
凯蒂: 对。
Aimee: That's embarrassing, isn't it?
艾米: 这很难为情,对吧?
Katie: Very embarrassing. Very embarrassing.
凯蒂: 非常难堪,太尴尬了。
Aimee: And what is the hosting language?
艾米: 那主持人用什么语言?
Katie: Well, they always speak in English. And usually, the host country will also speak in their language. So if it's France, they'll speak in French. If it's Germany, they'll speak in German. But when they are announcing the points, they'll speak in English and French.
凯蒂: 他们说英语。通常主办国也会用母语。如果是在法国主办,那他们就说法语。如果在德国举办,那他们就说德语。不过在宣布得分时,他们会说英语和法语。
Aimee: English and French only?
艾米: 只用英语和法语?
Katie: Yeah.
凯蒂: 对。
Aimee: Oh that's interesting. And I assume that each individual country who's watching the show has their own presenters speaking in their native languages though.
艾米: 哦,这很有意思。我想每个国家都会有本国的主持人,用母语解说。
Katie: Yes. Yes.
凯蒂: 对,没错。
Aimee: To help translate everything.
艾米: 帮助翻译。
Katie: They have their own commentators who will talk throughout the entire show and explain everything.
凯蒂: 对,每个国家都有本国的解说,对整场比赛进行解释。
Aimee: Okay. Wow. It's such a massive scale, isn't it?
艾米: 好。哇哦,这真是一场规模庞大的比赛,对吧?
Katie: Yeah.
凯蒂: 对。
Aimee: Really huge.
艾米: 非常盛大。
Katie: It's the best event of the year. My favorite thing ever.
凯蒂: 这是一年当中最好的比赛。也是我最喜欢的比赛。
Aimee: So since you can't vote for the UK, then who do you normally vote for?
艾米: 你不能给英国投票,那你通常为哪个国家投票?
Katie: Well, I normally vote for the country that I thought was the most interesting, which is how I think you should vote in Eurovision. Seeing that it's a singing competition then I think it should be judged on who is singing the best or has the best song or who has the most exciting outfit.
凯蒂: 通常我会投票给我认为表演最具吸引力的国家,我认为在欧洲歌唱大赛中,就应该这样投票。既然这是歌唱比赛,那就应该以哪位选手唱得最好来评判,或者看谁的歌曲最好,或者是谁的服装最令人激动。
Aimee: Okay.
艾米: 好。
Katie: But yeah, it changes every – it depends on
