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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-04-11 06:00




Technical upgrade


The British government turns its attention to the dire state of further education


More cash is just the start


From the print edition | Britain

Mar 9th 2017

BUDGET cuts are never pleasant. Yet the past few years have been particularly hard, says Gerry McDonald, the chief executive of New City College in east London. His institution is the result of a merger of three local colleges that have pooled resources in the past year partly to cut costs. From April, it will serve around 4,000 16- to 18-year-olds (mainly studying full-time) and 15,000 adults (mainly part-time). Annual rounds of redundancies have “become a way of life”, Mr McDonald sighs.

削减预算从来都不使人满意。东伦敦的新城市大学总裁Gerry McDonald称过去的几年非常难熬。他的教育机构来自于三家当地大学的合并,一部分是为了削减成本而集中资源。自四月份起,在该学校接受教育的大概有四千名十六至十八岁的学生(主要为全日制)与一万五千名成人学生(主要为半日制)。McDonald 叹气道,每年一次的裁员 “已经成为一种生活方式了”。

  • redundancy :n.      裁员; 过多,过剩; 冗长; (机器的) 多余度;

Since 1990, funding for primary and secondary schools has soared. Universities have been given the right to raise their incomes by levying tuition fees on students. But there has been no such increase in cash for further education, the mostly vocational courses for over-16s (see chart).


On March 8th Philip Hammond, the chancellor, turned his attention to the sector. After announcing funding to pave the way for new selective grammar schools, a controversial objective of the prime minister, he promised a big injection of cash for further education and confirmed a shake-up of the chaotic way in which it is organised.(读者试译句)By 2022 colleges will get an additional £500m ($600m) a year, a 19% increase in the 16- to 19-year-old vocational-education budget.

3月8日,总理Philip Hammond 把他的注意力放在了这个行业。他宣布逐步推进支持步伐,“期待您的翻译,将您的理解留言在文章下方留言处,第二天将会有长难句解析。”在2022年之前,大学机构每年将额外获得五亿英镑(约六亿美元),给16至19岁群体职业培训课程的预算增加了19%。

Britain has historically put little emphasis on further education. In 2012 it placed 16th out of 20 member countries of the OECD in a ranking of the proportion of 20- to 45-year-olds who finished education with a vocational qualification. That may help explain why productivity growth has stalled, and why British youngsters are less literate and numerate than their peers in other rich countries. Employers moan that skilled workers are scarce, especially in industries like engineering and IT. Tougher immigration restrictions, likely to be introduced when Britain leaves the EU, will exacerbate skills shortages.


The sector has struggled with shoddy qualifications. The six in ten 18-year-olds who do not take A-levels, academic school-leaving qualifications, are poorly served by a hotch-potch of some 13,000 courses of varying quality. In 2015 the government commissioned Lord Sainsbury, a Labour peer, to examine the state of technical education in England. His report, published last year, despaired that a wannabe plumber had to choose between 33 qualifications, offered at three different levels, by five awarding organisations. Many of the courses are too basic to be much use.


Mr Hammond now aims to clear up this muddle. Following Lord Sainsbury’s recommendations, the government will introduce 15 subject areas, grouping together topics such as social care or transport and logistics. Students will work towards “T-levels” (for “technical”), developed with firms. Organisations will compete for the right to award the qualification. The extra funding will provide more work placements. And those who go on to take degree-equivalent qualifications will have access to loans to cover the cost of living.


Some would rather the reforms offered a broader education to those going down a vocational path, with more of a focus on ensuring competency in maths and English. But most agree that the first task is simply to resuscitate the sector.


翻译 ▍Neo,下罗小柜员,陌上

审核 ▍白夜叉

编辑 ▍张哼哼

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They should also boost the sex appeal of the people in the photographs—and, because of that boost, increase the perception that those people might be unfaithful, since the attractive have more opportunities for infidelity than the plain

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