专栏名称: GTDAsia搞定
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  GTDAsia搞定

David Allen 在Do Lectures公司

GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-07-13 17:10


2010年9月,David 在位于英国威尔士的公司Do Lectures进行了一场独特并鼓舞人心的搞定™演讲。 如果你是GTD®搞定™的新手,你会爱上David给出的全套系统化方法。如果你是老手,你会领会到David是很透明化且很真实的分享背后的故事。

David gives a unique and inspiring presentation about the power of Getting Things Done to the participants of The Do Lectures in Wales, September 2010.  If you're new to GTD, you'll love the fast-paced overview David gives of the entiresy stematic approach.  If you're a seasoned practitioner, you'll appreciate the transparency and authenticity in which David shares a bit more of his behind-the-scenes story.