艾邦东南亚新材料论坛(2025年4月9日 越南)
Aibang Southeast Asia New Materials ForumApril 9th 2025, Hanoi, Vietnam
● 红河三角洲(北部)
● 湄公河三角洲(南部)
CMA 越南咨询发展有限公司
1. 市场趋势分析:
● 越南塑料行业的现状与未来趋势
Current status and future trends of the Vietnam plastics industry
● 东南亚塑料市场的全球定位与竞争力分析
Global positioning and competitiveness analysis of the Southeast Asian plastics market
Technology and Innovation:Applications and development of high-performance engineering plasticsSustainable production technologies and the circular economy in the plastics industryInnovative solutions for consumer electronics materialsExtrusion Machinery in the Vietnamese Market: Driving the Future of ManufacturingFuture Injection Molding Factories: The New Era of All-Electric and AutomationAdvanced Surface Treatment Technologies and Equipment in 3C Consumer Electronics
Policy Environment and Factory Investment:● Vietnamese government support policies for plastics and related industriesCurrent status of China-Vietnam trade relations and their impact on the plastics industry● Sustainable development of plastics factories
Raw Materials and Additives Supply Chain:Building an efficient China-Vietnam plastics industry supply chainChinese plastics additives enterprises aiding the high-quality development of Vietnam's plastics
Market Entry and Risk Management:Strategies and operational guidelines for entering the Vietnamese marketRisk assessment and management practices in Vietnam
Case Studies and Upstream-Downstream Integration:Case studies of successful Chinese enterprises establishing factories in Vietnam
Investment and cooperation case analysis of the Vietnam plastics industry
Dialogue between Chinese and Vietnamese entrepreneurs and policymakers● 探讨如何通过政策和市场力量推动行业的可持续发展Discussion on promoting sustainable industry development through policies and market forces
Enterprises in consumer electronics, automotive parts, home appliances, plastic products, plastic materials, injection molding, molds, additives, fillers, government, associations, customs, logistics, human resources, and third-party service providers, ect..
Negotiation areas and booths
Negotiation areas and booths will be set up on-site.
Business Inspection:
Day 1: Arrival, Dinner
4月9日(第二天):全天会议 中午自助 +晚宴
Day 2: Full-day Conference
4月10日 (第三天):北宁、北江
Day 3: Bac Ninh , Bac Giang上午:考察领益智造、捷邦精密
Morning: Visit LY iTech and J. Pond Precision
Afternoon: Connect with Chitwing and Bac Ninh Industrial Park.
Schedule: Face-to-face meetings and exchanges with leaders of Chinese enterprises established in the area
4月11日 (第四天):河内、海阳、海防
Day 4: Hanoi, Hai Duong, Hai Phong上午:三星采购中心对接
Morning: interface with Samsung Procurement Center
Afternoon: interface with material and injection molding factories in Hai Phong and Hai Duong
Itinerary: Visits and coordination with local enterprises in Korea and Vietnam
(Chào mừng bạn quét mã QR để thêm bạn Zalo và liên hệ.)
2. 扫描二维码提交在线报名
项目 | 参会 | 商务考察团 |
费用 | 3000RMB/人 | 15000RMB/人(5天4晚签证+机票+吃住行+考察企业+参会) |
Sponsorship project
项目 | 项目内容 |
总冠名 | 1、大会主席屏幕顶部显示企业logo 2、企业高层获大会开场致辞机会,时间为5分钟 3、会议宣传海报、文章、短信植入总冠名赞助商企业名称 4、会议现场独家广告牌 5、邀请企业高层在大会现场发表25分钟主题演讲 6、现场展示台,展示样品、资料以及洽谈 7、邀请企业高层参与一场圆桌对话 8、一篇企业文章在艾邦高分子公众号上发布 9、6-10个参会名额 |
演讲加展台 | 1、25分钟主题演讲 2、5个参会名额(含主讲和展台人员) 3、商标展示:背景板logo、会刊封面logo 4、会刊页印刷(演讲嘉宾PPT印刷) 5、现场展示台,含2*3m背景板,主办方提供搭建,客户自行提供设计 |
现场展台 | 现场展示台,展示样品、资料以及洽谈 2*3m背景板,主办方提供搭建,客户自行提供设计 3个参会名额 |
参会证赞助 | 参会证上印刷公司名称及LOGO,简要介绍,3个参会名额 |
资料袋赞助 | 艾邦手提袋上印刷公司名称及LOGO,3个参会名额 |
桌牌赞助 | 桌牌上印刷公司名称及LOGO,3个参会名额 |
参会证挂绳赞助 | 挂绳上印刷公司名称及LOGO,3个参会名额 |
商务考察团 | 5天4晚行程(签证,吃住行,机票,考察企业+参会) |
会刊广告 | 会刊,彩色单页广告(尺寸210*285mm,A4纸大小) |