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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-11-16 05:21




翻译 | 栏目二第四组

审核 |椰子

小编 | 毛毛

Not worth a second glance
Social attitudes to faces
Your class determines how you look at your fellow creatures
Oct 15th 2016 | From the print edition
2016年10月15日 | 摘自印刷版

 Not only looking down, but for less time

IN 2009 a team of psychologists at the University of California, Berkeley, who were studying people from different walks of life, noticed that those from the upper classes were less good than those from the lower at discerning emotions on the faces of others. This led them to speculate that such empathy weakens as you go up the social scale. The theory might be true. But a paper just published in Psychological Science, by Pia Dietze and Eric Knowles of New York University, offers an alternative hypothesis—that it is not the emotional sensitivity of patricians to plebs which is impaired, but their attention to them.
2009年加利福尼亚大学的一个心理学家团队Berkeley,在研究不同阶级的人时,注意到那些上层阶级的人们对人脸情绪的识别的能力不如那些下层阶级的强。他们推测随着人们社会地位的提高,对他人的这种同情心就会减弱。这个理论或许是正确的。但是纽约大学的Pia Dietze 和 Eric Knowles 在《心理科学期刊》杂志上刚刚发表了一篇论文,他们提出了另一种假设——他们认为这并不是由于上层社会的人对平民老百姓的情感敏感度变弱了,而是他们对那些人的关注减少了。

Discerning  adj.有见识的
Empathy    n.共鸣
Sensitivity   n.敏感
Pleb         n.普通人(尤指社会地位低下的人)

Dr Dietze and Dr Knowles began their study with an experiment that they told participants was a study of Google Glasses. They were, though, lying. The test was not of these pieces of apparatus (tiny video cameras hidden in pairs of spectacles, which let wearers take surreptitious footage of whatever they are looking at), but rather of the participants’ behaviour. The 61 volunteers were all asked to wear a Google Glass headset, walk for a block in New York and focus their attention on whatever captured their interest. Their souped-up specs then recorded everything they looked at. Afterwards, they filled out a questionnaire that asked, along with matters of age, sex and ethnicity, about their income, their level of education and the social class they believed they belonged to.
Dietze 博士和Knowles博士进行了一个实验,他们告诉志愿者这是一个关于谷歌眼镜的研究。然而他们撒谎了。这个实验并不是为了研究这些装备(微型摄像机藏在眼镜里,可以时刻记录下佩戴者所看到的任何画面),而是为了观察这些志愿者的行为反应。这61名志愿者都被要求头戴谷歌眼镜,在纽约的一个街区闲逛并观察任何使他们感兴趣的事物。这个改良过的眼镜会记录下他们所观察到的任何东西。之后,他们填写了一张问卷调查表,内容包括年龄,性别,种族,收入,受教育的水平以及他们认为自己所处的社会阶层。

Apparatus  n.装备
Surreptitious footage  秘密录像
Capture  v.捕获
souped-up  adj.改进的
Questionnaire  n.问卷调查
Ethnicity  n.种族

This done, the researchers handed the videos over to six “coders”—people trained to parse video recordings for teams of psychologists without knowing the purpose of an experiment. The coders were asked to identify participants’ glances at other people, and also to record the duration of each gaze.

Parse  v. 分析
duration  n 持续时间.

When Dr Dietze and Dr Knowles correlated the coders’ conclusions with the data from the questionnaires, they found that the number of gazes at strangers did not vary with social class, but their duration did. Specifically, upper-middle-class and upper-class people gazed at the faces of others for a fifth of a second less than members of lower social classes.
Dietze 和 Knowles博士把编码员的分析结果和调查问卷中的数据联系起来之后,他们发现不同社会阶层的志愿者对陌生人注视的次数并没有差别,但他们持续的时间不同。具体来说,中上层阶级对他人面孔的平均注视时间比较低社会阶层的人少了五分之一秒。

To explore further, the two researchers set up a second experiment. In this they asked 82 volunteers to place their heads on chin rests and have their eyes monitored as they were shown a variety of street scenes from New York, San Francisco and London. This time, working-class people spent a tenth of a second longer looking at faces than did upper-middle-class people—a difference that did not apply when the same people looked at inanimate objects.

chin rest:腮托
inanimate :adj.无生命的

Dr Dietze and Dr Knowles then ran one more experiment. This was a version of Kim’s game, in which they presented 397 participants with an array of six randomly arranged images (one of a face and five of inanimate objects such as fruits, houseplants or musical instruments) that alternated with a second array which either had identical images to the first, but differently arranged, or had one of those images changed (and was also differently arranged). Participants had to work out which image, if any, had been substituted.
Once again, there was no difference between classes’ success in doing this when the altered image was of an object. (读者试译)When it was of a face, though, lower-class people did better than upper-class ones.

It seems, then, that those from the lower classes really do take more notice of faces than those who inhabit the top of the heap. Why, is open to speculation. Dr Dietze’s and Dr Knowles’s own view is that the upper classes pay less attention because they believe random strangers have little to offer. Perhaps one way to test that hypothesis would be to rerun their experiment at a Buckingham Palace garden party.



【经济学人】医学语言学 | 2016.10.08 | 总第691期
【经济学人】空中客车公司 | 2016.10.08 | 总第690期

Try to translate 
Once again, there was no difference between classes’ success in doing this when the altered image was of an object. 

Put Chinese below




