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This
is
Minute
English
from
Learning
English
.
com
.
这里是
bbclearningenglish
.
com
英语六分钟节目。
Callum
:
Hello
I'm
Callum
and
this
is
Minute
English
.
With
me
today
is
Jennifer
,
hello
Jennifer
.
大家好,我是卡勒姆,这里是英语六分钟。今天和我一起主持节目的是詹尼弗,你好詹尼弗。
Jennifer
:
Hello
Callum
.
你好卡勒姆。
Callum
:
Do
you
like
to
travel
?
你喜欢旅行吗?
Jennifer
:
Oh
yes
,
love
going
to
new
and
interesting
places
.
哦,当然,我喜欢去新奇的地方。
Callum
:
What
do
you
think
of
the
idea
of
travelling
to
another
planet
?
那你觉得去另一个星球旅行怎么样?
Jennifer
:
Erm
,
not
quite
so
keen
on
the
idea
of
going
to
another
planet
.
呃,我对这个想法不太感兴趣。
Callum
:
What
about
a
one
-
way
trip
to
Mars
?
单程奔赴火星,如何?
Jennifer
:
You
do
mean
the
planet
Mars
?
Go
to
Mars
and
never
come
back
?
你是说真的火星?去了就再也不回来了?
Callum
:
Yes
.
对。
Jennifer
:
What
are
you
saying
?
Are
you
trying
to
get
rid
of
me
?
你说什么呢?你要摆脱我吗?
Callum
:
No
,
no
,
not
at
all
.
But
this
is
what
is
being
planned
at
the
moment
by
a
company
in
the
Netherlands
.
They
are
planning
to
send
people
to
Mars
and
the
people
who
go
would
never
be
able
to
come
back
to
Earth
.
不不,根本不是那个意思。不过这正是荷兰的一家公司目前正在筹划的一个项目。他们正计划着把人们送到火星上去,而那些被送过去的人们就再也不能回到地球上了。
Jennifer
:
Sounds
like
quite
a
trip
!
这可真是一次奇幻旅行!
Callum
:
Well
before
we
learn
more
about
it
,
here's
a
question
for
you
,
about
the
planet
Mars
.
How
big
is
Mars
compared
to
Earth
?
Is
it
bigger
,
about
the
same
size
or
smaller
than
Earth
?
在我们继续讨论这个话题之前,我有个关于火星的问题要问你。火星与地球相比哪个更大一些呢?是火星更大,还是一样大,还是火星比地球小呢?
Jennifer
:
think
can
remember
this
from
school
.
I'm
going
to
say
it's
smaller
than
the
Earth
.
我记得在学校里学过,火星应该比地球小。
Callum
:
.
We'll
find
out
if
you're
right
at
the
end
of
the
programme
.
But
now
,
let's
hear
about
this
scheme
.
What
is
interesting
about
it
is
the
idea
that
this
would
be
a
one
-
way
trip
.
Bas
Lansdorp
is
head
of
the
Mars
-
One
project
and
he
explains
why
this
will
be
a
one
-
way
trip
.
What
reason
does
he
give
?
好的,我们将在节目最后揭晓答案。现在,我们继续谈谈那个项目。这个想法有趣的地方就在于这次旅行是有去无回的。巴斯·兰斯多普是这次火星单程旅行的主要负责人,他向我们解释了为什么这是一次单程旅行,他给出的原因是什么呢?
On
this
world
we
have
all
the
technology
we
need
to
get
humans
to
Mars
and
keep
them
alive
there
.
What
we
don't
have
is
the
technology
to
get
people
from
Mars
back
to
Earth
.
The
people
who
will
be
going
to
Mars
in
our
missions
will
be
settling
on
Mars
permanently
.
They'll
be
doing
it
for
the
rest
of
their
lives
.
在地球上,我们有足够的技术让人们登陆火星并在那里生存,但把人们从火星送回地球地球的技术还没达到。那些被我们发送到火星上去的人们将在那里长期定居。他们的余生都将在那里度过。
Callum
:
Jennifer
,
why
is
this
a
one
-
way
trip
?
詹尼弗,为什么这是一次单程旅行呢?
Jennifer
:
He
says
it's
about
technology
.
Although
we
do
have
the
knowledge
and
technology
to
get
people
to
Mars
,
we
can't
get
them
back
–
so
any
trip
would
be
permanent
,
would
be
forever
.
他说这是技术的问题。尽管我们有能把人送到火星上的知识和技术,但我们没办法把他们弄回来——所以每一次旅行都是永久的。
Callum
:
That's
a
big
commitment
,
isn't
it
?
But
imagine
there
will
be
people
who
will
jump
at
the
opportunity
.
这绝对是一项艰巨的任务,不是吗?不过我想肯定有人会抓住这次机遇的。
Jennifer
:
I'm
sure
there
will
be
,
but
what
kind
of
person
are
they
going
to
recruit
for
this
'trip
of
a
lifetime'
?
肯定有的,对于这次单程旅行,他们会招募什么条件的申请者呢?
Callum
:
Well
here's
Bas
again
,
talking
about
just
that
.
What
three
qualities
does
he
mention
?
让我们再来听听巴斯是怎么说的,他提到了哪三项素质?
We
need
the
best
of
the
best
.
We
need
first
of
all
,
of
course
,
smart
people
,
healthy
people
.
They
need
to
be
mentally
very
stable
.
我们需要的是最优秀的人才。首先当然是聪明健康的人。他们还要有非常稳定的心理素质。
Callum
:
So
he
needs
the
best
of
the
best
,
but
what
are
the
three
particular
qualities
he
mentions
the
best
of
the
best
need
to
have
?
他需要最优秀的人才,不过最优秀的人才要具备哪三项素质呢?
Jennifer
:
He
wants
smart
people
,
which
means
clever
,
intelligent
people
.
As
well
as
that
,
they
need
to
be
healthy
both
physically
and
mentally
.
As
well
as
that
,
guess
he's
going
to
need
people
with
very
specific
skills
.
他需要聪明的人,也就是有头脑,有智慧的人。此外,他还需要身心健康的人。除了这些,我想他还需要具备某种特殊技能的人。
Callum
:
You
would