【Multiplex imaging of neural activity and signaling dynamics】2018年4月24日(周二) 13:00 - 15:00【主讲】Haruhiko Bito, M.D., Ph.D.【地点】#1113, Wangkezhen Building, Peking University
【Orbital forcing, climate reconstruction and model simulation: the winning trio 】2018年4月24日(周二)15:30 【主讲】Dr Marie-France Loutre Executive Director Past Global Changes (PAGES) 【地点】北京大学逸夫二楼 三层3301
【Promoting Development: The Political Economy of East Asian Foreign Aid 】
【Eye Movements Reveal Person Characteristics】2018年4月25日(周三) 13:00 - 15:00【主讲】Dr.Isabelle Mareschal, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London【摘要】Dynamic gaze interactions between people underlies non-verbal communication and can be indicative of atypical behaviour. Therefore recording people’s eye movements while they engage in eye contact is of great interest for both diagnostic and research purposes【地点】北京大学#1113, Wangkezhen Building, Peking University
【Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Relativity Seminar —— On Some Estimates of Hawking Mass for CMC Surfaces】2018年4月25日(周三) 14:30-16:30【主讲】Prof. Naqing Xie (Fudan University)【地点】北京大学Room 1560, Science building No.1
【CAM Seminar——Onsager principle as an approximation tool for complex two-phase flow problems】2018年4月25日(周三) 10:30-11:30【主讲】Xianmin Xu (Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)【简介】Many two-phase flow problems are quite complicated due to the existence of moving contact lines and shape transition of two-phase interfaces. Both numerical simulations and analytical study for these problems are very challenging, especially to quantitatively compare with physical experiments. 【地点】北京大学Room 1303, Sciences Building No. 1
【Manufacturer’s Entry in the Product-Sharing Market】2018年4月25日(周三)13:30-15:00【主讲】Lin Tian,(Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of Business, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.)【地点】北京大学光华管理学院2号楼217室
【Challenges and Technologies for Maintaining Quality and Food Safety of Fresh-cut Produce】2018年4月25日(周三)9:30【主讲】曾鸣(拥有华盛顿州立大学食品学硕士学位(食品化学及农作物科学)及马里兰州立大学MBA学位(UMUC全球商业管理),是中国北美食品保护协会、美国国际食品保护协会和美国科学家协会的会员,及美国华人食品协会终身会员)【地点】中国农业大学东校区食品学院五楼会议室
【Onsager principle as an approximation tool for complex two-phase flow problems】2018年4月25日(周三)10:30【主讲】Xianmin Xu (Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)【地点】北京大学理科一号楼1303
【CAM Seminar——Onsager principle as an approximation tool for complex two-phase flow problems】2018年4月25日(周三) 10:30【主讲】Xianmin Xu (Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)【地点】北京大学Room 1303, Sciences Building No. 1