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CGI | “碳中和2060” 论坛全球征文启事

中金点睛  · 公众号  · 金融  · 2020-12-11 08:05



In September, China announced that it aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, calling for a “green recovery” of the global economy from the COVID-19 pandemic. US President-elect Joseph Biden also reiterated recently that the US will take actions to confront the global climate challenge. These positive remarks from both China and the US indicate that carbon neutrality will become a new trend in global economic development, and may offer a key opportunity for the two countries to strengthen cooperation.

与此同时,中美两国也明确表示不会牺牲增长和就业。 能源需求的刚性增长和碳排放下降的刚性约束,意味着碳中和的理想之路将会异常艰难,诸多现实问题亟待破解。 诸如,市场机制与行政力量如何发挥作用? 哪些技术进步和金融创新值得期待? 节能减排对于区域发展和行业结构又有什么样的含义?

That said, both China and the US also made clear that they would not sacrifice economic growth and employment in their quest for carbon neutrality. Economic growth invariably raises the demand for energy, while carbon neutrality requires drastic curbs on net carbon emissions. As such, the path to carbon neutrality will be an arduous journey full of difficulties and obstacles. Policymakers need to find solutions to a wide range of thorny problems. For example, how should market mechanisms and administrative forces effectively play their respective roles? What kind of technological advancements and financial innovations should we look forward to? What are the implications of energy conservation and emission cuts for regional development and industrial structures?
促进相关问题讨论,中金研究院拟于2021年3月下旬举办“碳中和2060”论坛,届时将汇聚国内外决策部门、产业界和学术界的资深专家学者,共话碳中和之路与市场机遇。 作为本次论坛的一部分,中金研究院即日发起全球征文活动,以期助力相关学术研究。

To facilitate discussions on these issues, CICC Global Institute plans to hold the Carbon-Neutral 2060 Forum in late March, 2021. We will invite domestic and overseas policymakers, industry experts, and leading scholars to share their insights on the path to carbon neutrality and the market opportunities it may present. To support academic research on this subject, we plan to hold a global research paper contest as an integral part of the Forum. We cordially invite you to submit your work and participate in this contest.


I. Theme of the Research Paper Contest: Path to Carbon Neutrality under Sustainable Economic Growth


Your paper should focus on discussions from an economic perspective. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following issues:


Discussions of systemic plans for carbon neutrality, such as market mechanisms, administrative forces and technological advancement.
In-depth research on s pecific economic issues related to carbon neutrality, such as financial innovations and regional development.


Discussions of international governance and cooperation under carbon neutrality.


II. Rules and Guidelines
论文格式:论文须是原创、尚未公开发表的作品(例如工作论文等),中英文均可。中文体例请参考《经济研究》,英文体例请参考 Journal of Political Economy
Paper format: All papers submitted should be original, unpublished articles, such as a working paper. We accept papers written in either English or Chinese. As for format requirements, please refer to the Economic Research Jounal for papers written in Chinese, and the Journal of Political Economy for papers written in English.


How to submit: Please submite your completed paper via the link below. Please note that submissions should be in PDF format. The file size should be less than 10M.


截稿时间:北京时间 2021年1月31日24时
When to submit: Please submit before 24:00, January 31, 2021 (Beijing time).


III. Paper Review and Assessment
研讨会将组织专家评审委员会,以匿名方式进行初审和复审,以确定论坛入选论文。入选通知将于 2021年2月28日 之前陆续发出。
For each paper submitted, our Review and Assessment Expert Committee will conduct two rounds of anonymous reviews to select papers for the Forum. If your paper is chosen, we will send you a notice by February 28, 2021 .


IV. Awards
专家评审委员会将评选出本次论坛的最佳论文奖 1 篇(¥35,000/篇),优秀论文奖 3 篇(¥20,000/篇)以及交流论文 6 篇。
T he Review and Assessment Expert Committee will make a decision on the Best Research Paper and three Outstanding Research Papers for the Forum. In addition, the Committee will also pick six runners-up papers for discussion at the Forum. The prize is RMB35,000 for the Be st Research Paper, and RMB20,000 for each Outstanding Research Paper.
Authors of the Best Research Paper and Outstanding Research Papers will be invited to present their views at the Carbon-neutral 2060 Forum.
With the author's consent, we will feature all ten chosen papers in an anthology on cabron neutrality, which will also contain reports from CICC's research team on the subject.


V. Miscellaneous
We will provide round-trip air tickets and up to three days of hotel accommodation for presenters of the chosen papers (one presenter per paper).


VI. Host and Organizer
CICC Global Institute (CGI)


December 11, 2020

如有任何问题请联系:[email protected]

