专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-16 11:20


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,在地区市场钢价大幅上涨的情况下,上周菲律宾方坯进口市场表现平静。菲律宾市场鲜有新报价,因为买家的价格意向落后于上涨后的报价。

The Philippine billet import market was quiet during the week amid the sharp uptrend in theregional steel prices, Kallanish notes. There are few freshoffers in the Philippine market as buyers’ price idea is trailing behindhiked offers.

11 13 日当周,俄罗斯原产的 100mm 方坯以 460 美元 / cfr 马尼拉成交。前一周, 2 万吨相同货物的一半以 455 美元 / cfr 成交。 11 5/6 日左右,一宗俄罗斯 125mm 方坯货物以 452 美元 / cfr 成交。这些俄罗斯方坯货物为 1 月船期。

Russian-origin100mm square billet was booked during the 13 November week at $460/tonne cfrManila. Half of the same 20,000t cargo was previously ordered the week beforeat $455/t cfr. A Russian 125mm billet cargo was booked at $452/t cfr around 5/6November. The booked Russian billet cargoes are for January shipments.

市场人士称,当周市场鲜有新报价。有限的报价已经升至 470 美元 / cfr 马尼拉水平。一位进口商称,该地区的高炉方坯报价在 475 美元 / cfr 马尼拉水平,但他没有听到任何交易。“购买水平可能在 460 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,”他补充道。

Market sources say that there are few fresh offers in the market during the week.Limited offers have moved up to $470/t cfr Manila levels. Offers for blastfurnace billet from the region were at $475/t cfr Manila, an importer says. Buthe did not hear of bookings. "The buying level is probably at $460/t cfrManila," he adds.


Some tradingsources attributed the quiet market to a strong typhoon recently hitting the country's largest island of Luzon. But a Manila trader thinks that this is a 'minor factor.' "I think the weaker local demand coupled with skyrocketing prices are the main reasons," he says.

中国强劲的进口采购推动地区方坯价格走高。越南贸易人士称, 11 9 日前后,越南一家钢厂以 465 美元 / fob 向中国出售高炉方坯,目前其报价已上调至 480 美元 / fob 。一家印尼钢厂目前对高炉方坯的报价为 480 美元 / cfr 中国,在上述越南方坯交易前后,该厂的方坯成交价为 475 美元 / cfr 中国。

Chinese strong import buying has driven regional billet prices higher. After a Vietnamese mill sold blast furnace billet to China around 9 November at $465/t fob, its current offer price has been hiked to $480/t fob, Vietnamese trading sources say. An Indonesian steelmaker is now offering blast furnace billet at$480/t cfr China, up from its booking of $475/t cfr China around the sametime as the Vietnamese billet purchase.

周五 Kallanish 评估的 5sp/ps Q275 120/125/130mm 方坯价格为 460-465 美元
