专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-11 09:00


Emirates Steel (ESI) 首席执行官 Saeed Al Remeithi 表示,尽管有许多项目为海湾合作委员会建筑业增长带来大好机会,但随着大型基础设施项目接近完工,需求将会下降。

Despite numerous projects offering strong opportunities for Gulf Cooperation Council construction sector growth, major in frastructure projects nearing completion will see demand drop. This is according to Emirates Steel chief executive Saeed Al Remeithi.


The global steel industry is beset by protectionism, which is hampering trade between regions. The current Chinese real estate sector slowdown and deceleration of global automotive production,meanwhile, are areas of concern for steelmakers, the ceo observes.

“然而,仍有一些领域的需求尚未得到满足,尤其是在东南亚,在不久的将来将有很多房地产和建筑项目上线,” Al Remeithi 补充道。

“However, there are areas of as yet unfulfilled demand, most notably in Southeast Asia, with a range of real estateand construction projects coming online in the near future,” Al Remeithi adds.

根据世界钢铁协会最近公布的数据, 2018 年阿联酋钢材出口量同比下降 12% 258 万吨(见 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)往期报道)。其中,长材出口量下降 13% 58.3 万吨,板材出口量下降 23% 69.8 万吨。管材出口量下降 6% 30.2 万吨。继 2016 年和 2017 年激增之后, 2018 年阿联酋半成品材出口量下降 5% 99.4 万吨。

According to recently-published world steeldata, UAE steel exports fell -12% on-year in 2018 to 2.58 million tonnes ( see Kallanish passim ).This came as longs exports declined -13% to 583,000t and flats exports slumped-23% to 698,000t. Tubular products shipments fell -6% to 302,000t. After surgingin 2016 and 2017, UAE semis exports fell -5% in 2018 to 994,000t.

同时,阿联酋能源和工业部副部长 Matar Hamed Al Neyadi 表示:“重工业——包括钢铁行业——是阿联酋经济多元化和向知识经济转型过程中至关重要的一部分和贡献力量……能源和工业部正与钢铁行业密切合作,利用第四次工业革命的潜力,促进下游产业发展。

Matar Hamed Al Neyadi, undersecretary in the United Arab Emirates energy and industry ministry, meanwhile, says: “Heavyindustry, including the steel sector, is a vital component and contributor to the UAE’s economic diversification agenda and to our nation’s transition to aknowledge-based economy… The Ministry of Energy and Industry is working closelywith the steel sector to harness the potential of the fourth IndustrialRevolution and stimulate downstream industries.”



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