Open postdoc position on mineral dust modeling
Storm-resolving modeling offers new opportunities for a more detailed representation of the global mineral dust cycle.
We are inviting applications for an open
2-year postdoctoral position
(TV-L E13) at the
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
(KIT), Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Department Troposphere Research (IMK-TRO).
我们正在邀请卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 (KIT) 气象与气候研究所 - 对流层研究部 (IMK-TRO) 开放的 2 年博士后职位 (TV-L E13) 申请。
As successful candidate, you will work on
advancing the model representation of mineral dust
, a dominant type of natural aerosol, in ICON(-ART) with the goal to
improve understanding of dust impacts and to determine the role of mineral dust in the Earth system
. You will implement and test new parameterizations, conduct high-resolution, convection-permitting simulations, and quantify dust interactions with clouds and radiation. To evaluate the model results, you will perform detailed comparisons with observations. In the context of the
EU project nextGEMS
and the
Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Mineral Dust”
, your work will
contribute to developing a next-generation Earth system model
. Beyond that, you will have the opportunity to gain experience in the co-supervision of students and to contribute to teaching.
作为成功的候选人,您将致力于在 ICON(-ART) 中推进矿尘(一种主要的天然气溶胶)的模型表示,目的是提高对尘埃影响的理解并确定矿尘在地球系统中的作用.您将实施和测试新的参数化,进行高分辨率、允许对流的模拟,并量化尘埃与云和辐射的相互作用。要评估模型结果,您将与观察结果进行详细比较。在欧盟项目 nextGEMS 和亥姆霍兹青年研究小组“矿物尘埃”的背景下,您的工作将有助于开发下一代地球系统模型。除此之外,您将有机会获得共同监督学生的经验并为教学做出贡献。
For the described position, we are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with background in meteorology or physics, or a comparable qualification, expertise in model development and scientific programming (e.g. Fortran, C++, Shell script, Python, Matlab), as well as experience with numerical modeling and high-performance computing. Previous knowledge in the field of mineral dust or other aerosol types and very good English language and communication skills complement your profile.
对于所描述的职位,我们正在寻找具有气象学或物理学背景或类似资格、模型开发和科学编程方面的专业知识(例如 Fortran、C++、Shell 脚本、Python、Matlab)的博士后研究员,以及具有以下方面的经验数值建模和高性能计算。以前在矿物粉尘或其他气溶胶类型领域的知识以及非常好的英语语言和沟通技巧可以补充您的个人资料。
Start date:
as soon as possible
apply for this position
, send your application package (cover letter, CV, optionally additional information)
as a single pdf
martina klose∂kit edu
要申请此职位,请将您的申请包(求职信、简历、可选的其他信息)作为单个 pdf 发送至 martina klose∂kit edu。
Deadline for applications is 01 May 2023.
申请截止日期为 2023 年 5 月 1 日。
KIT actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion, and as an equal opportunity employer, KIT explicitly encourages applications from women as well as from others who will bring additional diversity. Recognized severely disabled applicants will be preferentially considered if they are equally qualified.
KIT 积极支持平等、多元化和包容性,作为机会均等的雇主,KIT 明确鼓励女性和其他能够带来更多多样性的人提出申请。经认可的重度残疾申请人,如果他们具有同等资格,将被优先考虑。