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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-09 20:06





This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. com.

这里是bbclearningenglish. com英语六分钟节目。

Alice: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English: the programme in which we talk about a story in the news and learn some vocabulary while were doing it. Im Alice and joining me today is Rob. Hi there, Rob.


Rob: Hi Alice.


Alice: Now, Rob I have a question for you. Any idea what an ear worm is?


Rob: Eughan ear worm. It sounds like a nasty bug that burrows into your ear.


Alice: I think youre thinking of an earwig. Thats a little black insect. I dont think it necessarily burrows into peoples ears though thank goodness!


Rob: Well thats a relief! So whats an ear worm then?


Alice: It might help if I give you an example. Heres one you may know. Excuse my singing. When I hear this little phrase of music it sticks in my head all day.


Rob: I see. An ear worm is a tune, a piece of music you cant get out of your head. Thats always happening to me. I hear a song on the radio and then I keep singing it all day!


Alice: I know the feeling. And the tune I was singingdo you recognise it? Its long been associated with the BBC World Service. But do you know what its called Rob? Is it: a) Lilliput b) Lillypad c) Lillibolero

我懂这种感觉。你知道我刚才哼的那段小调是什么吗?它一直和BBC全球服务联系在一起。但是你知道歌名吗?a) Lilliput b) Lillypad c) Lillibolero

Rob: I think I know what its calledbut I dont know why! And Ill leave it to you, listeners, to make your own guesses.


Alice: And as usual well find out what the answer is at the end of the programme. Now lets find out more about ear worms. Psychologists have been doing some research into what makes a particular bit of music so catchy.


Rob: Catchythats a nice word. It means something that you can catch easily. Like the flu?


Alice: Ha ha. Yes you can catch a cold or the flu, but a catchy piece of music means it is very easy to learn, and it sticks in your head for a long time. Heres musician Terry Dobson with some good examples of catchy tunes:


Even in the film industry - just a few notes, five notesClose Encounters of the Third Kind, and Jaws and 007 – only a few notes but those notes, youve only to hear them played by any instrument and you know instantly what the tune is.


Rob: Some great examples there of tunes which can become ear worms. You only need to sing about 5 notes of the James Bond theme and people will recognise the tune. And he also talked about the theme tunethats the main tune - for the films Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.


Alice: See if you can remember them, listeners. Musician Terry Dobson said you can hear those notes played by any musical instrument and you know exactly where the music comes from. In fact I noticed in the new James Bond film they only needed to play two notes before you recognise the music immediately!


Rob: Am I guessingdu duh.


Alice: Exactly! Now lets look at some of the science behind ear worms. There are two features which seem to be common in catchy bits of music.


Rob: Let me guessrepetitive sounds. And easy to remember tunes?


Alice: Kind of. Long notes and spaceswhats known as intervals in musicspaces which are very close together. Dr Lauren Stewart of Goldsmiths University in London has been analysing the features of very common ear worms:


A tune or a part of the tune that comes unbidden into the mind, and then goes on to repeat and its outside of your conscious control of it. Two features seem to be rather predictive of whether a song will get stuckand thats rather long notes and intervals that are very close together. So this is quite interesting because it obviously makes a song easy to sing.


Alice: Dr Lauren Stewart talked about those two features which make pieces of music very catchy. Long notes and intervals which are close together. It makes them easy to sing.


Rob: And she used the words conscious and unbidden.


Alice: Yesconscious - youre not aware, or conscious about trying to remember or sing a piece of music. It just sticks in your head without you wanting it to. Its unbiddennot invited.


Rob: Maybe thats what makes some ear worms so irritating.


Alice: Rather like an earwig climbing into your ear!


Rob: But why are psychologists investigating ear worms? It seems a strange thing for them to research.


Alice: Dr Lauren Stewart says that ear worms have different effects on different people.


Rob: So what does it say about you if you cant get the James Bond theme tune out of your head?


Alice: I dont know. Maybe that you unconsciously want to have a more exciting life! Now before we gohave you had a think about that ear worm thats stuck in my head today? (Alice sings the tune) Is it called: a) Lilliput b) Lillypad or c) Lillibolero

我不知道。或许你想要更精彩的生活,只是你自己没有意识到罢了。石头掉进河水里——噗通(不懂)。在节目结束之前,你知道我脑海里的这只耳蠕虫是什么吗?它叫做:a) Lilliput b) Lillypad 还是c) Lillibolero呢?

Rob: I think its c) Lillibolero.


Alice: Well done! Lillibolero, has long been used as the theme for the BBC World Service radio station. Its actually a marcha tune used for soldiers to march to, believed to have been written by Henry Purcell in the seventeenth century inspired by an Irish jig.


Rob: Well, dont let it be said that you dont learn anything on 6 Minute English!


Alice: Now, time for a recap of some of the words we heard in todays programme.


Rob: They are: ear worm, stick in my head, cant get out of your head, catchy, theme tune, note, conscious, unbidden


Alice: Join us again soon for more 6 Minute English from bbclearningenglish. com.


Rob: And dont forget to find us on Facebook and Twitter.


Alice: Bye for now.


Rob: Bye.


That was 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. com.

以上是bbclearningenglish. com英语六分钟节目。