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北卡教堂山分校 BRIC 婴儿脑发育课题组招收博后,联培博士

我爱脑科学网  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-02-14 12:10


Postdoctoral research associate and visiting student/scholar positions are available in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill). Our current focuses are to better understand the dynamic early brain structural, functional and connectivity development in health and disease, via analysis of high-quality multimodal neuroimaging data acquired by UNC/UMN Baby Connectome Project.

We are seeking highly motivated individuals who have extensive research experience in neuroimaging analysis (e.g., structural, diffusion or functional MRI) and demonstrated academic excellence, including publications in first-class journals and conferences. The postdoctoral candidate should have a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in Neuroscience, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics/Statistics, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or related fields. Good command of programming tools including Matlab, C++, Linux, and scripting are necessary to carry out the research work in this group. The candidate will support our efforts either in advancing neuroimaging analysis technologies or in neuroscience applications. The successful candidate will be part of a diverse group including neuroscientists, radiologists, psychologists, physicists, biostatistician, and computer scientists, and will build upon the group's extensive foundation on neuroimaging analysis. If interested, please email resume to Dr. Gang Li ( [email protected] ). For more information, please visit: http://bbm.web.unc.edu/.

友情提示:教堂山是全美排名前三的宜居城市。教堂山的BRIC, 如果你做脑影像研究,那么你一定看过很多这里发的文章。实验室学习氛围浓厚,有很多大牛,是个不错的学习成长的地方。实验室有多个课题组,我们课题组是重点发展的课题组之一。导师人很nice,发的文章水平很高, 而且非常认真地指导学生。有兴趣又符合条件的同学抓紧行动起来啦~~~(常年招聘


