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19-07-05【通知】ARRI China(阿莱中国)有关假冒SkyPanel做出的声明

ARRI  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-05 09:57


ARRI China(阿莱中国)


ARRI SkyPanel系列产品自面世以来,以其惊人的光线输出和色彩还原能力、大发光面积及输出光线的柔和纯净等特点,被广泛应用在电影、电视、平面、活动、广电等使用场景,SkyPanel作为紧凑明亮优质的LED柔光灯,为整个行业树立了新的标准。SkyPanel系列产品于2016年正式进入中国市场进行销售,广受终端用户喜爱。目前,由SkyPanel系列产品参与拍摄的影视作品包括但不限于:《流浪地球》、《动物世界》、《我不是药神》、《疯狂的外星人》、《缝纫机乐队》、《大江大河》、《怒晴湘西》等。其中,中等尺寸的S60因为适用于绝大多数应用,成为该系列产品中的畅销型号。


(1)  假冒S60用材低劣,灯具轻、脆,且开启后通常有嘈杂的机器运转声音;

(2) 为节约造假成本,假冒S60免去了应有的固定、保护部件,对使用者安全(尤其是在吊挂等高危使用场景下)构成严重威胁;

(3) 假冒S60工艺粗滥,功能缺失、亮度相较正品大大降低,受控性能极不稳定,在调节灯光明暗时也有明显的不稳定闪烁。


1.   控制面板颜色、构造不同。输出口功能、用料、颜色不同:

正品SkyPanel S60

假冒SkyPanel S60

2. 假冒S60支撑脚小,而正品支撑脚尺寸大、用料牢固:

正品SkyPanel S60

假冒SkyPanel S60

3.   假冒S60通风蜂窝口边缘粗糙、触摸上去不平滑:

正品SkyPanel S60

假冒SkyPanel S60

4.   支撑脚颜色不同,正品具有多层摩擦盘,在可调节方向的同时保证支撑等稳固性。假冒S60没有摩擦盘,支撑不稳固,对使用者安全构成威胁:

正品SkyPanel S60

假冒SkyPanel S60

5.   正品内部由两块白色光引擎,仿冒品内部仅为一块:

正品SkyPanel S60

假冒SkyPanel S60

6.   正品每群LED芯片由4颗组成。假冒品为5颗:

正品SkyPanel S60

假冒SkyPanel S60

在此,我们提醒广大使用者,假冒产品不仅在功能性上与正品相差甚远,由于其劣质的材料和粗糙的工艺,在使用过程中更是存在很大的安全、火灾隐患。 为了您的作品质量和整个剧组成员的人身安全,请购买、租赁正品SkyPanel系列产品。 如果您在市场上看到假冒S60(或者任何其他型号的仿冒品),请点击微信公众号中的【线索收集】将您的线索提供给我们,或者直接联系与您对应的销售人员。

最后,谨代表ARRI China(阿莱中国)全体员工感谢您对正品的支持和保护。



ARRI SkyPanel has been widely used in film, television, print, events, radio and television production due to its outstanding features such as amazing capability of light output and color reproduction, large luminous area, and soft and clean light it generated. As a compact, bright and high-quality LED soft light, SkyPanel has set a new standard for the entire film making industry worldwide.  SkyPanel Family has officially entered the Chinese market in 2016 and has been widely loved by end users. At present, the feature films and TV series that utilized SkyPanel family in CHINA include but are not limited to: "The Wandering Earth ", " Animal World ", " Dying To Survive", "Crazy Alien", " City Of Rock " , "Like A Flowing River " " Candle In The Tomb: The Wrath Of Time" and so on. In these works, the medium-sized S60 is definitely the most welcomed model.

However,in the past two years, we noticed that there are counterfeit S60 being illegally produced and put on the market, which has caused confusion and questions among end users.ARRI has noticed this and we are currently trying our best to defend our lawful rights by legal means, at the meantime, we also conducted a comparative test on the authentic and counterfeit S60. Based on the comparison, we found the following aspects:

(1)   Counterfeit S60 is lightweight and fragile due to its inferior materials, and usually generates machine running noise after turning on;

(2)   To save their manufacture costs, counterfeit S60 misses proper parts for installation and protection, which can cause serious threat to the safety of users (especially when using in high-risk situation of overhead suspension).

(3)   The counterfeit S60 is rugged and loses certain functions. The brightness is greatly reduced compared with the authentic one, the control function is extremely unstable, and there is obvious unstable flicker when adjusting the light.

The detailed comparison pictures are as follows:

1.   The color and structure of the control panel are different. The function, material and color of outputs are different:

Authentic SkyPanel S60

Counterfeit SkyPanel S60

2.   The standing leg of the counterfeit S60 is smaller, while the authentic one is bigger and stronger:

Authentic SkyPanel S60

Counterfeit SkyPanel S60

3.   The edge of vent is rugged and not smooth in counterfeit S60 when touching on it:

Authentic SkyPanel S60

Counterfeit SkyPanel S60

4.   The color of standing leg is different. The authentic one has multi-layer friction discs, which can ensure the stability while adjusting the direction. Whereas, the counterfeit S60 doesn’t have friction discs, which might cause unstable support and pose a threat to user’s safety:

Authentic SkyPanel S60

Counterfeit SkyPanel S60

5.   The inner of authentic light consists of two white engines, but the counterfeit has only one piece:

Authentic SkyPanel S60

Counterfeit SkyPanel S60

6.   Each group of LED consists of four chips in the authentic product, while the counterfeit consists 5 chips:

Authentic SkyPanel S60
