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微軟公司: FY25Q1收入Capex略超預期,Q2指引略低於預期

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-11 18:05


Microsoft Corp



Higher-than-expected revenue and capex in FY25Q1E; FYQ2E guidance a tad more subdued than anticipated

BUY (maintain)

投資要點/Investment Thesis

投資要點/Investment Thesis

事件: MSFT公佈FY2025Q1財報,其中收入爲656億美元,同比+16.0%(超彭博一致預期1.7%);毛利率爲69.4%,同比-1.8pcts(略超彭博一致預期0.5%);調整後營業利潤率爲46.7%,同比-0.9pcts(超彭博一致預期2.7%);EPS爲3.30美元,同比+10.4%(超彭博一致預期6.2%)。


FY25Q1E revenue beat expectations and rose 16% yoy; EPS up 10% yoy

Microsoft released unaudited FY25Q1E (June to September 2024) results on 30 Oct:

•Revenue came to USD65.6bn, up 16.0% yoy (1.7% better than the Bloomberg consensus forecast (BBG));

•Gross margin narrowed 1.8ppt yoy to 69.4% (0.5ppt better than BBG);

•Adjusted operating margin narrowed 0.9ppt yoy to 46.7% (2.7ppt above BBG);

•EPS rose 10.4% yoy to USD3.30 (6.2% better than BBG).

分業務看: 生產力和業務流程業務收入283億美元,按固定匯率計算同比+13%(超彭博一致預期16.8%)。更多個人計算業務收入132億美元,按固定匯率計算同比+17%(略超彭博一致預期0.4%)。


We look at the revenue breakdown by business segment in FY25Q1E:

•Productivity and business processes (PBP): USD28.3bn revenue, up 13% yoy at constant currency (16.8% better than BBG).

•More Personal Computing (MPC): USD13.2bn revenue, up 17% yoy at constant currency (slightly above BBG by 0.4%).

•Smart cloud: USD24.1bn revenue, up 21% yoy at constant currency (7.1% lower than BBG), with the yoy growth rate higher than the 20% in FY24Q4:

-Azure generated 34% yoy more revenue (constant currency), 32% better than BBG, partly due to a small gain in revenue recognition.

-AI services contributed 12ppt of Azure revenue growth (flat qoq), while non-AI services contributed 1ppt less qoq to Azure growth.

資本支出超預期: 微軟本季度資本支出(包括融資租賃)達200億美元。可比資本支出爲149億美元,同比+50.5%,環比+7.6%(超越彭博一致預期2.6%)。公司指出,雲和AI相關支出中約一半用於支持未來15年及以上的長期資產變現。剩餘的雲和AI支出主要用於服務器,包括CPU和GPU。

Heavier capex than expected: including finance leases, capex amounted to USD20bn in FYQ1E, with cash paid for property, plants and equipment at USD14.9bn, up 50.5% yoy and 7.6% qoq (and 2.6% more than BBG). The company noted that about half of its cloud and AI-related expenditure was long-term in nature and would support asset monetization for the next 15 years or more, with the rest spent primarily on servers, including CPUs and GPUs.

Copilot推進持續加速: GitHub Copilot的Copilot Enterprise客戶環比增長55%;Microsoft 365 Copilot日活用戶環比翻倍。目前有近70%的財富500強企業使用Microsoft 365 Copilot。公司指出,Vodafone將向68,000名員工部署該產品,估計每人每週平均節省3小時;UBS將部署50,000個席位,併成爲金融服務業最大規模的部署。此外,目前已有近60萬家組織使用Power Platform的AI功能,同比增長達4倍。Copilot Studio已有超過10萬家組織使用,環比增長超過2倍,Dynamics 365 Copilot月活用戶環比增長超過60%。公司指出,E5與 Copilot 365 在本季度繼續貢獻ARPU增長。

Copilot push: GitHub Copilot Enterprise customers grew 55% qoq in the quarter, while daily active users of Microsoft 365 Copilot doubled qoq. Currently, nearly 70% of Fortune 500 companies use M365 Copilot. Microsoft noted Vodafone will deploy the product to 68,000 employees after a trial showed it saved 3 hours per week per person on average. UBS will deploy 50,000 seats, the company's largest deal to date in the financial services industry. In addition, nearly 600,000 organizations currently use Power Platform’s AI capabilities, a four-fold increase yoy. Copilot Studio is now used by more than 100,000 organizations, a more than two-fold increase qoq, and Dynamics 365 Copilot's monthly active users increased more than 60% qoq. The company noted that E5 and M365 Copilot continued to contribute to ARPU growth in the quarter.

公司FY25Q2指引: 1)預計生產力和業務流程業務收入在287億美元到290億美元,(按固定匯率計算)同比預計增長10%~11%,預計更多個人計算業務收入在138.5億美元到142.5億美元;





FY25Q2E guidance: PBP revenue up 10-11% yoy and smart cloud up 18-20% yoy

Revenue projections: Microsoft expects the following metrics in FYQ2E:

•PBP would generate USD28.7bn-29bn revenue, up 10-11% yoy (constant currency), based on the company's expectations.

•MPC would bring in revenue of USD13.85bn-14.25bn.

•Smart cloud business would generate revenue of USD25.55bn-25.85bn, up 18-20% yoy (constant currency):

-Azure: revenue growth would slow to 31-32% yoy (constant currency) in FYQ2E on delays in third-party deliveries; in FYH2E, the company expects revenue growth will pace faster on an increase in available capacity.

-AI services: Microsoft anticipates this business will contribute similar revenue in FYQ2E as it did in FYQ1, and FYQ2E could bring full-year revenue to USD10bn.

Profitability projections:

•COGS: Microsoft expects cost of goods sold will increase 11-13% (constant currency) to USD21.9bn-22.1bn in FYQ2E.

•Operating expenses would increase by about 7% (constant currency) to USD16.4bn-16.5bn.

•Operating margin would also expand.

•Capex: in light of strong demand for cloud and AI services, the company expects capex will keep increasing to keep pace with growing demand, until it has amassed sufficient capital assets, when capex growth would then shrink, while revenue growth would continue to increase.

投資建議/Investment Ideas

投資建議: FY25Q1期間微軟的AI對Azure貢獻規模以及Copilot相關產品服務用戶規模均有明顯上升,且Azure供不應求的局面有望在FY25H2得到緩解,從而進一步提高智能雲業務增速。基於微軟AI相關業務的表現和雲市場的強勁需求信號,我們維持原有預測,即FY25-27營收預測爲2851億/3280億/3837億美元,歸母淨利潤預測爲990億/1114億/1161億美元,同時維持“買入”評級。

Valuation and risks

With AI services' contribution to the Azure business and the scale of users of Copilot-related services expanding substantially in FY25Q1, we expect Azure's supply-demand imbalance will improve in FY25H2E, which would increase growth in the smart cloud business. In light of Microsoft’s AI-driven business performance and strong demand signals from the cloud market, we maintain our forecast with revenue at USD285.1bn/ 328bn/383.7bn and net profit at USD99bn/ 111.4bn/116.1bn in FY25/26/27E. We maintain our BUY rating on the stock.

風險提示: 雲業務供給擴展不及預期,AI發展不及預期,外匯不利影響等

Risks include: slower-than-expected expansion of cloud business supply; slower-than-expected AI development; and adverse FX impacts.

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