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人学经济 and books 20171104

重燃阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-11-03 23:23


重要变更 :在每周按时分享人学经济杂志和最新原版书籍的同时,也希望诸位关注者向你的朋友或圈子推荐这个账号,帮忙转发账号的文章,举手之劳也帮我一个忙,谢谢。因此本周通过回复




本周分享的这本书又是跟俄罗斯有关,跟普京有关,这本书的作者之前写了一本在欧美很流行的普京传记(《无脸人:普京不可思议的崛起》(The Man without Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin)),对于普京的鄙视充满了书中的每一页。本来对于这种感觉有些偏激的书籍不想推荐,但是这本书入选了10月5日公布的今年美国国家图书奖的短名单,所以还是分享一下。书中通过四位人物来讲述俄罗斯重新走向了极权道路。那么极权主义是什么呢,我引用下一个定义:Totalitarianism combines a system of terror, single-party rule, a centrally planned economy, command over the army and the media, and an all-encompassing ideology.,是不是有些熟悉呢,请勿对号入座哦。


The Future is History:

How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russiathe


by Masha Gessen

Hardcover: 527 pages

  • Publisher: Riverhead Books (October 3, 2017)

“After years of debate and inquiry, the key to a great marriage remained shrouded in mystery. Until now. In his All-or-Nothing Marriage , Eli Finkel reveals the fascinating ways in which marriage has evolved and the things we can all do to help this all-important relationship flourish. You will definitely want to read this book.”
—Carol Dweck, Stanford professor and author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

“If you’ve ever wondered what science has to say about how marriage has changed over time and what makes for a great one, this is the book to read. Eli Finkel is one of the world’s leading experts on relationships, and his insights are both comprehensive and revealing.”
—Adam Grant, author of Give and Take, Originals, and Option B (coauthored with Sheryl Sandberg)

“Eli Finkel has written an incredible analysis of the state of marriage, and a useful guide for everyone trying to make their relationship work better. He also promised us cheeseburgers if we wrote this blurb. Please get those to us ASAP, Eli.”
