1. Big Data and New Communication Research Paradigm
Theconference seeks studies that address analytical frameworks concerning thesources of digital data or how data sources support communication researchand theoretical deliberations between digital media and social change.
2. Big Data and Media Industry Change
Papers forthis theme would explore how Big Data is changing the media landscape; forinstance, how is that creating opportunities for driving engagement andinfluencing audience sentiments?
3. News Production and Data Journalism
How is datajournalism changing newsrooms and established professional workflows? How does data-driven news with added-valueproductions across different platforms (web, TV, radio, mobile) such as photo,video, interactive graphics, improve the reception and understanding of eventsand issues?
4. Media Use and Engagement
For thistheme, the conference seeks studies that go beyond the uses and gratificationsparadigm to explore ways users engage, disseminate, and relate to a variety ofmedia.
5. Computational SocialScience and Communication Research
Studies thatexplore relationship between computational social science and communicationresearch, both the data-driven versus knowledge-driven information, and thedevelopment of digital humanities and computational social sciences thatpropose radically different ways to make sense of culture, political discourse,and society.
6. Big Data andHealth Communication
The studies presented will explore, amongother questions, has Big Data revolutionized public health communicationand consequently, the healthcare industry? How does using Big Data modify thepublic conversation around patients' rights and privacy concerns?
7. Big Data andCommunication Education
In the era ofbig data and new media ecology, what contemporary theories and research domedia and communication scholars explore in communication education on thelarger concepts concerning communication competency, apprehension, criticalthinking, communication assessment, ethics, freedom of speech, instructionalcommunication, and history of communication education?