专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-26 09:54


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,马来西亚环境部 (DOE) 已经加强对废料等产品的进口管理。海关编码 7204 7404 7602 项下产品的出口商需提供电子废物含量证书和消除污染证书。

Malaysia’s Department of Environment (DOE)Malaysia has tightened the import of ferrous scrap, amongst other types, Kallanish notes. Those exporting scrap with HS codes 7204, 7404 and 7602 are requiredto provide a certificate for electronic-waste content as well as a depollutioncertificate.

出口商需在货物到达前提供证书。其中一份证书是关于装运货物的电子废物含量,不得超过装运货物重量的 0.3% 。这将包括来自电气和电子装置、阴极射线水银开关和玻璃的废物。另一份是证明废料不含污染物。

Exportersare required to provide the certificates prior to cargo arrival. One of the twocertificates pertains to the electronic waste content of the shipment, whichhas to adhere to no more than 0.3% of shipment weight. Thiswould include wastes from electrical and electronic installations, mercuryswitches and glass from cathode rays. The other is to certify that the scrapcargo is free from contaminants.


The Malaysian steel industry has been indiscussions with the domestic steel industry over the import of contaminated orelectronic waste scrap, a Malaysian mill manager says. There areenvironmental concerns of the possible segregation of such wastes in thecountry for the re-export of valuable scrap after the Chinese importscrap ban. “We need to get a certification body to check and confirm thee-waste content, and then apply for permission from DOE,” he says. He adds thathe was unsure about the impact for cargoes which are on the way.

根据 1 30 日环境部网站上发布的新规,在没有终端用户的情况下,贸易商不得将废料进口到马来西亚。“现在一切都还不清楚,”一位贸易商周二表示。钢厂已被通知需立即遵守新规。

Accordingto the new guidelines dated 30 January and posted on the DOE website, tradersare not allowed to import scrap into Malaysia without an end-user. “Everything is unclear now,” a trader says Tuesday. Mills have beeninformed to comply to the guidelines with immediate effect.



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