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BBC都市掠影|Bush House 布什大厦

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-09-07 21:00





The script of this programme 本节目台词
Yang Li: 33 languages are being broadcast to the world every day from Bush House.
Fei Fei: Yes, Bush House! BBC 国际台位于布什大厦这座国家级保护建筑内,今天我们就带大家一起来看看这座我们工作的大楼。大家好,我是冯菲菲。

Yang Li: Hi, I'm Yang Li. Welcome to Bush House. As a listed building, it has a long history and beautiful architecture.

Fei Fei: 但是首先我们还是来看看这座大厦的名字,它为什么叫 Bush House 呢?

Yang Li: Andrew Thompson, Head of BBC Learning English, has the answer:


I've been working in this building for about 20 years. I like it, it's big, it's got big corridors. It was built at the turn of the 20th century, if I've got it right and it was going to be a trade centre, built by an American called Bush - who I have been told has nothing to do with the president of the same name or his father - he was just an American called 'Bush' and that's why it was called Bush House.

Fei Fei: 这座大楼建于 20 世纪初,当时是由一个叫布什的美国人主管建造的,所以取名为 Bush House.

Yang Li: But as Andrew said the name has nothing to do with the president of the same name. To have nothing to do with somebody.

Fei Fei: 是一个经常被使用的短语表示与某人无关。

Yang Li: Bush House is very centrally located. You cannot miss it, as it stands out as a very unique building.

Fei Fei: Unique 独一无二的。Listen to Nigel's description of Bush House and pay attention to the adjectives he used:


Bush House - and it's absolutely wonderful! The very view of it, as you come out of the tube, you look down Kingsway and there's this magnificent building, classic architecture that's shrouded in trees; and it just makes you want to go down there and find out what it's all about. Um, it's a lovely place to work, there's so many different peoples from so many different nations working here, it's beautiful! I always say it's like working in the heart of the United Nations, because there're so many interesting people from so many different countries.

Yang Li: He described Bush House as absolutely wonderful!

Fei Fei: Absolutely wonderful 非常棒!

Yang Li: It's a magnificent building - classic architecture that is shrouded in trees.

Fei Fei: 这是一座雄伟的建筑,在大树的笼罩之下经典的建筑线条显得格外清晰。

Yang Li: He likes working here as it is like working in the heart of the United Nations.

Fei Fei: 我们一起再来听听 Andrew 是怎么说的。


It's interesting, it's a kind of United Nations, but it very, sort of, British in a way, in that the neighbours don't get involved too much with each other. So you can have, you know, on one floor there will be a lot of Russians, very very passionate, and very involved in Russian politics and life; and then on a separate floor you might have Latin-Americans who are equally passionate, but thinking about completely different things; and all this sort of co-exists and we all go and we eat together in the canteen, but somehow it's kind of like lots of separate worlds that are living beside each other.

Yang Li: It's kind of a United Nations, but it's very British in a way.

Fei Fei: Andrew 说布什大厦虽然有点儿联合国的感觉,但是又很英国化。

Yang Li: It's a very British thing that the neighbours don't get involved with each other.

Fei Fei: 其实 Andrew 就是说不同语种的团队各干各的,不怎么和其它的团队和部门来往。

Yang Li: They co-exist but at the same time it's like lots of separate worlds.

Fei Fei: Co-exist 共存; separate worlds 不同的世界。

Yang Li: Every year on the second weekend of September, Bush House is open to the public for visits.

Fei Fei: Nigel 认为布什大厦的建筑风格中满了解放理念。


Mr. Bush, the actual original backer, with his architect, had based the design of Bush House on what was quite a revolutionary idea at the time; where you would have come in at one entrance, and above you would be gallery and gallery of open, a new idea, open plan offices; and at the back of the building, you would have come in to a wonderful concert hall. So it was both ethics of work, leisure, enjoyment and information all put together, it would be a whole cultural experience.

Yang Li: To Nigel, the idea of open plan offices was very forward-looking and he used the term 'revolutionary'.

Fei Fei: 超前的,forward-looking. 在建造布什大厦时,一个非常超前的理念就是把休闲,娱乐和信息融为一体, 比方说当时大厦里还有一个自己的音乐厅。

Yang Li: So do come for a visit when you are in London in September. Thanks for listening.

Fei Fei: See you next time.

Yang Li: Bye!