专栏名称: 3060
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3060  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-18 11:30


内容来源: 国际能源小数据 E Vcharge

3060 粉丝 7.3 万+, 各种 商业广告 ,价格从优



今天的信息 图表展示在各欧洲国家,在公共充电站充电25分钟的平均成本(换算成欧元/100 公里)。数据来源于欧洲替代燃料观察站(EAFO),截至2024年。为了考虑电动汽车之间的差异,这个数据集考虑特斯拉Model 3。

一般来说,拥有较高可再生能源比例的国家价格较低,而能源进口昂贵的国家(如德国)价格较高。 价格较低的国家包括:冰岛(2.9欧元)、葡萄牙(3.2欧元)和芬兰(4.6欧元)。冰岛丰富的可再生能源降低了电动汽车充电价格。另一方面,在挪威和斯洛文尼亚,充电成本高达每100公里17-19欧元。当然,价格也反映了国家的电力来源、能源价格和税收。例如,在挪威,价格比欧盟平均水平高出25%。

How much does it cost to charge an electric car?

There is no doubt that this is a question that users and companies ask themselves, as the savings factor is important. However, there is no single answer to this question, but we can shed some light by analysing a series of variables and comparing the average price in different European countries.

What are the variables that affect the price of charge an electric car?

The price for charge an electric vehicle is not the same everywhere, just as it happens with fuels. However, we can establish a series of factors to take into account and understand why the price of charging can variate.

Below are the main factors to be taken into account:

– The energy price regulation of the country
– Contracted energy power and management
– Type of vehicle and battery
– Type of charging: slow, semi-fast or fast charging
– Charging location: at home, at work, on the road, in public spaces…

Average price of charging in Europe

Swithcer.ie, the Irish website that compares the prices of the energy sector, published a comparison table with the average prices of vehicle charging in the main European countries in 2020. In it we can see the country and the average cost per KWh, the cost of a full charge and the cost per KWh/100 km.

This data refers to the average cost. Therefore, some of the factors listed above must be taken into account, such as the type of vehicle and its battery, the type of charging or the place where it is carried out. It is also true that depending on the charging point network operator this price may vary. Even so, this table helps us to generate a general mapping of the average price in each country.

In any case, the price of energy in each of these countries also differs according to the variables that Switcher discusses: geopolitical situation, energy regulation in the country, import costs, supply network and environmental protection, taxes and salaries.

Electric cars remain the most cost-effective option

Although some people are still reluctant to purchase electric vehicles (the main reasons being lack of charging infrastructure, vehicle prices and autonomy), if we analyse the efficiency and profitability of an electric car compared to one powered by fossil fuel, there is no doubt that the electric car is still the most profitable option in the medium and long term.

The price per KWh/100 km is always lower than the price per l/100 km of combustion cars. Even more so with the current increase in fuel costs. Furthermore, it should be noted that during this period of transition towards more sustainable mobility, many countries are promoting electric mobility in such a way that many of the public charging points are free of charge or at a very attractive cost for users.

Similarly, some service stations have large charging facilities (such as Ecostation.es) at very affordable prices for their customers. More and more petrol and service stations are offering this service to attract new customers and to promote other facets of their business.

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