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GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-06-30 11:00




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Optimum Advisory公司的总监Andrew Ward,管理着企业和人事,是业务发展顾问和业余GTD®的传道者。他在国内外的大中小企业工作;在英国和美国工作的行业领域包括咨询,金融服务,电信和饼干等。Andrew毕业于牛津大学,拥有伦敦商学院的工商管理硕士学位。他是认证的NLP执业者,忠实GTD实践者和Next Action Associates的前客户。

Roald Dahl的BFG 非常满意地告诉Sophie,“不要被话语左右”。当David为他的系统和畅销书起名为“Getting Things Done®”时,他有将这一点铭记在心。这是10年前GTD吸引我的原因。

这句话的简单性和直接性是10年前当我在“每位经理必读的10本书”中找到的。在书单上的这些书中,它的标题最具服力,而当时我正在纠结一些事 - 找到更好的方式去完成我想要的和需要的。从此这句话成了我每天都在用的名言。

如果生活很简单,那么“搞定™”就不会在10年前让很多人产生共鸣。在我职业生涯的早期 - 可能是在企业工作中的那段时间 - 生活相对简单; 我没有这么多的选择。我的重点主要集中在工作上,我的责任相对较小,我的工作量合理地由其他人管理。




GTD系统会产生出很多共鸣,更重要的是,它确实有效; 一些我最喜欢的方面是下一步行动,捕捉和检视的习惯,工作流程和自然规划模型。但是最吸引人的是 – 作为一名业余GTD实践者 – 它很容易“将事情完成”。

这三个简单的词,当然不会让你觉得无聊,但在讨论愿景,策略和目标时,却非常强大,经常被人遗忘。博西迪和查兰在他们的著作“执行”中强调了它是所有企业能力中最关键的。它是大多数领导力模型的核心。现在,这也是我在招聘时首先要考虑的事情 - 完成任务的能力。


English Version


Not Gobblefunking, Just Getting Things Done

Andrew Ward, Director of Optimum Advisory, is a business and HR leader, organisation development consultant, and amateur GTD® evangelist.  He has worked in and for organisations large and small, multinational and domestic, in the UK and US and in industries including consulting, financial services, telecoms and biscuits. Andrew is a graduate of the University of Oxford and has an MBA from London Business School. He is a certified NLP Practitioner, long-time GTD user and former client of Next Action Associates.

Roald Dahl’s BFG famously tells Sophie, ‘don’t gobblefunk around with words.’ David Allen certainly took that to heart when he came up with the name for his system and bestseller – Getting Things Done®. It’s what drew me to GTD 10 years ago.

The simplicity and directness of that phrase is what first drew me to the book 10 years ago when I came across it on a list of ’10 Books Every Manager Should Read’.  Of the books on the list, it was the one whose title spoke most powerfully to what I was wrestling with – finding better ways to get done what I wanted and needed to. It’s become a phrase I use every day.

“Getting things done” wouldn’t have resonated nearly as strongly 10 years earlier when life was simpler. In those days, early in my career – probably in many corporate careers then if not so much anymore – life was relatively straightforward; I didn’t have all that many choices to make. My focus was mostly on work, my responsibilities were relatively narrow, and my workload reasonably well managed by others.

But by the time I came across GTD, things had become very different. For one thing, life had got way more complicated. I owned a home. I had a family. I was a College Governor. At work I had teams to lead and support. I was the one setting priorities, defining goals and managing workloads. The scope of my work and the number of people relying on me had exploded and so had their expectations. Life had become much much more complicated and the choices I was having to make far greater in number and importance.

At the same time I was going through my Dilbert phase getting increasingly frustrated with, but also fascinated by, how hard organisations made it for talented, enthusiastic people to get things done. I’d studied strategy, finance and marketing in my MBA. But what we weren’t taught and most intrigued me, as it does Scott Adams, is why so much time and effort seemed to be wasted on often very simple stuff.


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