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人学经济 and Books 2017121

重燃阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-12-15 21:50


重要变更 :在每周按时分享人学经济杂志和最新原版书籍的同时,也希望诸位关注者向你的朋友或圈子推荐这个账号,帮忙转发账号的文章,举手之劳也帮我一个忙,谢谢。因此本周通过回复



岁末的周五总是更忙一些,没时间去读杂志了,只能扫个标题,本周封面是中国,“China is manipulating decision-makers in Western democracies” 这样的说法是不是显示我们已经足够的软实力了呢?其它文章还没看,就不瞎评论了。重点说一下本周推荐的这本书,这本经济学新书推广了一个后续多年大家都可能会经常听到的新名词“intangible investment”,无形投资,相对于厂房,设备这些传统的有形投资,无形投资将会变得更加重要,这里的无形投资包括设计,研发,软件和品牌等。相对于其它经济学书籍来说,这本书很少术语,更别说那些晦涩难懂的公式了,更多的是用案例的方式来表达作者的说法。那么无形投资的特点是什么,为什么会变得重要,目前的经济统计是否包含了这类投资,政策该怎么制定呢,这些疑问都可以在这本书中找到答案。有兴趣的话可以自行订阅。


Capitalism Without Capital


by Jonathan Haskel

Hardcover: 288 pages

  • Publisher: Princeton University Press (November 7, 2017)

"Economist Jonathan Haskel and UK government adviser Stian Westlake describe in an entertaining and engaging way why governments need to count innovation as an engine of profit." --Ehsan Masood, Nature

"Recommended reading for venture capitalists and investment counselors." -- Kirkus Reviews

"For an introduction, though, it would be hard to do better than Capitalism without Capital , which is clear and lively and raises--without having all the answers--the relevant questions." --Diane Coyle, The Enlightened Economist

"And before anyone starts talking about 'the pettiness of arguing over symbols', let me point you to an amazing new book by an ex-colleague of mine, Stian Westlake, called Capitalism Without Capital: the Rise of the Intangible Economy ."
