专栏名称: 猿题库星球
高中生的聚集地:有干货,有鸡汤,有美文,有书单,有奖品,有学霸,有学渣,就差一个你! 每天一篇,不多不少,陪你到老~~~
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猿题库星球  · 公众号  · 初高中  · 2017-06-13 21:30
















分数:23.5    广东湛江一中


Dear Ieslie,

As scheduled, we will have a Chinese lesson next weekend .Considering our students are preparing for their final exam,I suggest we have the lesson in the park near our school.

The mainly course of our class is to learn the poem of Tang Dynasty.It's universally acknowledged that the poem of Tang Dynasty is one of the solid foundations of our culture. A large number of talent poets showed their view about the society and expressed their satisfaction with the beauty of our motherland. You can broaden your horizon and have a better understanding of our colorful culture through this study.

Knowing the history of Tang Dynasty is better for you before having class. It's the society that creates the brilliant poem.


Li Hua.


点评:本文要点覆盖较全面,文章结构清晰,语法错误较少,长短句运用合理,结合了简单句同时运用了较多的复杂句式,如主语从句It’s universally acknowledged that…,强调句型It's the society that…非谓语结构作状语Considering our students are preparing for…等等;同时恰当使用了一定的高级词汇如solid foundation,broaden one’s horizons等。

建议:1 文章要点方面,建议时间更精确些,比如下周周几几点到几点;2 语法方面,注意细节语法的错误,比如mainly改成main,poem改成poems等。




分数:20  河南光山二高



Dear Lesile 

    How are you? I have learnt your progress in your Chinese with my help and your hard work. I am writing to tell the plan that what should you do in advance.

    First, let's make it at eight o'clock in school library. We can consulted a number of books about the subject there. Second, the next theme is about Chinese culture especially the Tang poems that are full of history and act. I believe you will be attractive once you put your heart. Third I need you to perpare some work. The Tang poems are based on the Tang dynasty

so you should to look through the history and great happening.

    As the saying goes no pains, no gains. Chinese is so beautiful and difficult that you need be involved sincerely. I am looking forward to starting our study.


Li Hua


点评:本文要点覆盖较全面,文章结构较清晰,有恰当的衔接词使用,长短句运用较合理;同时恰当使用了一定的常用句式及谚语,如as the saying goes,no pains,no gains等。

建议:1 文章要点方面,建议时间更精确些,比如具体是哪一周哪一天的8点;2 语法方面,注意细节语法的错误,如can consulted改成can consult等;3 逻辑方面,注意词和词之间的单配逻辑,如you will be attractive once you…逻辑上不是很通顺;4 单词拼写上,注意拼写的准确性,如perpare改成prepare等。






分数:22   日照一中


Dear Leslie,

How's it going? Have you absorbed all the knowledge I taught you last time? Now let me tell you the information of next lesson.

I will give the lesson on next Saturday morning, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at 101 Room in the teaching building in our school.

We are going to learn about Tang poetry, which is an extremely important part of not only Chinese language but also Chinese culture. What you need to do in advance is to know briefly about the history of Tang Dynasty. You can consult the Internet or the books I gave you. Besides, don't forget to review what you have learned before. 

I am looking forward to our meeting. See you next week!


Li Hua.


点评:本文要点覆盖全面,行文流畅,有额外的细节添加,结构清晰紧凑,语法错误较少,运用了一定的复杂句式,如定语从句which is an extremely important part…,主语从句What you need to do in advance is…等等;同时有一定的词汇亮点如absorb,extremely替换了very等。




假定你是李华,想邀请外教 Herry 一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:

1. 展览时间、地点;

2. 展览内容。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。



分数:24分   四川德阳中学


Dear Henry
I'm Li Hua, the leader of the paper-cutting club in our school. Last time you told me you looked forward to learning more about traditional Chinese culture. Now I'm glad to tell you there will be a Chinese paper-cutting exhibition held by our school. I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for the art feast.

The exhibition, the theme of which is "beauty of China", will take place in the school hall from 2 to 5 on the afternoon of June 21. Not only will our club's works be displayed, but we also have a valuable set of paper-cutting created by a famous artist of this field. Besides, there will be a lot of useful and interesting activities, from which you can have a clearer picture of Chinese culture.

I would appreciate it if you accept my invitation. I'm sure it can leave a wonderful impression on you! I'm looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!
                                                                  Li Hua

1. 逻辑性较好,层次分明,连贯恰当;

2. 运用词块、句型丰富;

3. 个别用词需要改进比如说leader, leave a wonderful impression不符英语表达习惯;

4. 第一段不够简洁。



分数:23.5分   岳池中学


Dear Henry,

I have known that a Chinese paper-cutting exhibition whose subject is about Chinese festivals will be held in our city.

Knowing that you have a great interest in Chinese traditional culture, I am writing the e-mail to invite you to visit the exhibition together with me. The exhibition will be held in the museum from 9a.m. to 7pm. on June 15th, which will last for only one day. On that day, the works of paper-cutting artists from all over China will be exhibited in the museum. Just as I have told you, it is about Chinese traditional festivals. Therefore, in the exhibition, not only can the skills of these paper-cutting artists be enjoyed, but also you can know more about the customs of our Chinese traditional festivals from these beautiful works.

Time permitting, please contact me. I am looking forward to visiting the exhibition together with you.


                                                                                           Li Hua

1. 覆盖了全部要点,使用了较多语法结构和词汇;

2. 没有明显语法错误;

3. 硬伤:主题句不够突出;

4. 句式套用比较生硬:例如:not only  but also; time permitting…





分数:22.5     吉林 磐石一中   


Dear Henry,

Our school will hold a paper-cutting exhibition. It's a great honor for me to invite you as a special guest. Paper-cutting is an indispensable style of art. Therefore, I hold the opinion that this show is of extreme significance.

Main points are as follows. To begin with, it will start at 9:00 on 15th Jun and last for one week in our auditorium. Besides, a wide range of activities will be held, including the competitions between different classes, which will be the highlight of this show. Last but not least, taking advantage of this golden opportunity, we can not only enhance our understanding of Chinese indigenous culture, but also enrich our cultural life.

All in all, I'm longing to see you soon.


1. 覆盖了全部要点,行文流畅

2. 结构清晰,使用了较多复杂的语法结构和高级词汇;

3. 个别连接词,过渡句使用有些生硬、突兀。例如:Main points are as follows.

