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沪江英语  · 简书  · 英语  · 2018-01-04 21:30



You may know that Taylor Swift is a creative and dramatic singer.


You may know that she is also a songwriter.


But if you assume that all her commercial success came from herself, then you are wrong.


There are a lot of people who've made great contribution to this icon's triumph.


And one of the most important ones of them all is Jack Antonoff.


He is Taylor's producer and a musician himself.


Don't get me wrong. Jack is not just a producer for Taylor Swift.


He is Taylor Swift's main producer.

2017 年对他来说是硕果累累的一年,因为他不光为霉霉创作了新专辑 Reputation ,同时还制作出了其他很多夺人眼球的流行音乐,例如洛德的 Melodrama 以及圣文森特的 Masseduction

2017 has been a fruitful year for him, because besides Taylor's new album Reputation he also produced quite a lot other eye-catching pop records like Lorde's Melodrama and St. Vincent's Masseduction .


Being creative is not easy for anyone, even if it's someone as productive as Jack Antonoff that we're talking about.

回首 2017 年,杰克总结了一下如何才能让你的脑子整出这么多新东西。

Reflecting on 2017, Jack concluded some advice for making the most of your mind to create new things.


And maybe these tips are just what you are looking for?

规则 1:为自己计划一些无所事事的时间。

Rule 1: schedule time to be unscheduled.


“For me, being productive is really about messing around.


I like to consciously sit down and say, ‘Okay, right now I’m not going to open anything on the hard drive.


I’m just going to sit at the piano and try new things.’


It reminds me of how I did things when I was a kid.


I actually schedule time to fuck around.”

规则 2:利用好刚起床时的那种迷糊状态。

Rule 2: take advantage of that post-sleep haze.


“I try to work before I eat breakfast.


Once you do anything, you’re just a little bit further away from the freedom and the weightlessness of waking up.


As you start to acclimate to being awake, you become more and more reminded of who you are.


And there are a lot of rules about who you are, like, ‘Oh, I don’t say these kinds of things, I don’t play these kinds of chords. I’m this way and not that way.'”

规则 3:想做成一件事,并没有一个一定可行的办法。

Rule 3: there is no one right way to do something.

“霉霉的 Look What You Made Me Do 只花了我几个小时就完成了。

“Taylor Swift’s ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ happened within a few hours.


Some songs take months and months, and some songs come out of nowhere.


There’s no right way to do it.


That’s the funny thing of trying to understand productivity with art because I think everything is just a trick to try to trick yourself into getting something done.

规则 4:坦然接受你对一个工作场所的感受。

Rule 4: lean into how you feel in a given workspace.

“在很多年里,我都是住在我爸妈位于新泽西的家里,那大概是从 18岁到  25  岁的时候吧。那时我的‘工作室’只是两个扬声器和一个操作面板,再加上我的笔记本电脑、一个麦克风,还有随便什么我能找到的乐器。

“For the years I was living in my parents’ house in New Jersey, so maybe ages 18 to 25, my studio at the time was two speakers and an interface, my laptop and a microphone and whatever instruments.


It was a pretty small setup.

之后有段时间我又搬到客厅去工作了。而 Some Nights 这张专辑就是那段时间做好的。

And for a while it’d be in the living room. We made the Some Nights album there.


And then I started to hate that space, so I moved the whole setup to my basement. And I did really good work there for a little while and then I didn’t like it, so I moved it to my room.


The point I’m making is that your body at some point doesn’t want to enter a space anymore or it does. I follow my body.


I think it’s important to recognize that the space you work in has to be one your body is excited to enter.”

规则 5:如果目标太过远大,那就不要注视它。

Rule 5: if it's too big, don't look at it.

“如果 2017 年的 1 月有人说我会给洛德、圣文森特还有霉霉做出这些大作,我肯定会说我做不到。

“If, on January 1, 2017, someone laid out in front of me that I was going to make the Lorde record and the St. Vincent record and the stuff with Taylor Swift, I’d say I couldn’t do it.

