专栏名称: 华人抗体
华人抗体协会 (Chinese Antibody Society). 使命和愿景 两个一:第一个“一”是中国抗体药走向世界的桥梁; 第二个“一”是中美乃至全球抗体领域华人交流合作的平台。两个侧重:侧重于治疗性抗体药; 侧重于中国。
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华人抗体协会与牛津大学出版社合作出版新期刊 Antibody Therapeutics

华人抗体  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-05-10 06:59


2018年春季,牛津大学出版社与华人抗体协会正式签约,合作出版华人抗体协会旗下的英文期刊《Antibody Therapeutics》。

作为一个同行评审的在线开放获取期刊,《Antibody Therapeutics》为全球科研工作者提供了一个展示抗体药物发现、开发、生产和抗体类药物新技术等领域最新进展及挑战的平台。期刊涵盖的方向包括抗体及靶向发现、机理研究、新方法/技术、生产、临床试验、监管法规等。 《Antibody Therapeutics》刊登文章类型包括原创型论文、综述、新技术方法报道、新闻、采访以及会议亮点报道等。


牛津期刊(Oxford Journals)出版总监Alison Denby 说,“我们期望能在2018年创刊《Antibody Therapeutics》,该研究领域需要一个有力团队支持的开放获取期刊,而我们的合作者华人抗体协会正是这样一个团队。是华人抗体协会的敬业和奉献让我们走到了一起,为期刊的成功共同努力。” 期刊目前已经开始接收投稿,预计在2018年完成第一期的出版。牛津期刊(Oxford Journals)是牛津大学出版社的分支机构,每年出版超过300种学术期刊,涵盖领域广泛,其中三分之二的期刊是与专业协会或他国际组织合作出版的。作为全球范围内最大的大学出版社─牛津大学出版社,其五百余年的悠久出版经验是行业专业质量的保证,而牛津期刊作为其旗下专门出版期刊的分支机构,也已有上百年的历史。


OUP to publish Antibody Therapeutics

Oxford University Press and the Chinese Antibody Society are pleased to announce their new partnership to launch the journal Antibody Therapeutics this spring.

A peer-reviewed, online, open access journal, Antibody Therapeutics provides a forum for the publication of the latest advances and challenges in the discovery, research, development, manufacturing, and methodology of therapeutic antibodies for the global scientific community. Topics include target and antibody discovery, mechanistic research, new technologies and methods, manufacturing, clinical trials, regulation, policies, and more. Antibody Therapeutics article types include original research, reviews, cutting-edge technologies, new methods, news, interviews, and meeting highlights.

“It’s our society’s great honor to partner with reputed Oxford University Press in publication of the new journal. With over 1,200 registered members worldwide, our growing society will fully support the journal in many ways. I have strong confidence in the bright future of the journal, considering the support from the prestigious editorial board members of the journal, in particular the Editor-In-Chief Prof. Mitchell Ho.” said Chinese Antibody Society President Shouye Wang.

Alison Denby, publishing director for Oxford Journals, said, “We are looking forward to launching Antibody Therapeutics in 2018. This area of study requires an open access journal with a strong support team, and we see that in our partnership with the Chinese Antibody Society. CAS is an engaged, dedicated group and we are committed to working together for this journal’s success.”

The journal is currently accepting submissions and plans to publish its first issue in 2018.

Oxford Journals is a division of Oxford University Press, which publishes over 400 academic and research journals covering a broad range of subject areas, two thirds of which are published in collaboration with learned societies and other international organizations. Oxford Journals has been publishing journals for more than a century and, as part of the world’s largest university press, has more than 500 years of publishing expertise behind it.

The Chinese Antibody Society aims to bring together industry leaders, healthcare providers, researchers, academics, and investors to connect and collaborate on the discovery, development, manufacturing, and marketing of therapeutic antibodies. Through its programs and services, the CAS serves as a platform fostering communication and collaboration among its members worldwide, in particular those in China and U.S. It also functions as a bridge to accelerate the approval by international regulatory agencies and marketing of antibody-based therapeutics developed in China.
