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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-02-10 05:46




An ancient forest reveals the sun’s behaviour 290m years ago


The sunspot cycle was little different then from what it is now


Down in the forest, something stirred


Set in stone


Jan 21st 2017


EVERY 11 years or so, a new sunspot cycle begins. Sunspots are apparent blemishes in the sun’s photosphere, the layer which emits its light. Though still hot (about 3,500°C), they are cooler than their surroundings (about 5,500°C) and thus appear dark by contrast. A cycle starts with spots appearing at mid-latitudes in both northern and southern hemispheres. Over time, the spot-generating areas migrate towards the equator. As they do so, the amount of light and other radiation the sun emits first increases to a maximum and then decreases to a minimum, until the spots vanish and the cycle renews.


  • Sunspot ['sʌnspɒt]:n. 太阳黑子

  • Blemish ['blemɪʃ]:n. 瑕疵;污点

  • Hemisphere ['hemɪsfɪə]:n. 半球

On Earth, the increased illumination of solar maxima drives photosynthesis, and thus plant growth. That permits botanists to use trees’ annual growth rings to work out what sunspot activity was like hundreds, and occasionally thousands, of years ago. Determining solar activity millions of years ago, though, has not been so easy. But it is of interest to solar physicists, who wonder how far back into the past the oscillations of the sun’s magnetic field that drive the cycle go, and how they might have changed over the course of time.


  • Photosynthesis [,fəʊtə(ʊ)'sɪnθɪsɪs]:n. 光合作用

  • Botanists ['bɒtənɪst]:n. 植物学家

  • Oscillation [,ɒsɪ'leɪʃn]:n. 振荡;摆动

Now, Ludwig Luthardt and Ronny Rössler of the Natural History Museum of Chemnitz, in Germany, have cracked the problem. They have been able to apply the tree-ring method to petrified trunks from a nearby fossil forest. This forest (imagined in an artist’s impression above) was buried by a volcanic eruption 290m years ago, during the Permian period. And, as they report in Geology, Mr Luthardt and Dr Rössler have found that the sunspot cycle was little different then from what it is now.

目前,德国的开姆尼茨自然历史博物馆的两位研究人员,Ludwig Luthardt和Ronny Rössler已经解决了这个问题。他们能够将判断树年轮的方式应用在附近石化森林的一颗石化的树木上。这个森林(用一个艺术家的感觉脑补一下这个森林吧)在2亿9百万年前的二叠纪时,被火山喷发所淹没。Luthardt和Rössler博士在《地质》杂志中发表的报告里提出,他们发现2亿9百万年前的太阳黑子周期与现在差别不大。

  • petrify ['petrɪfaɪ]:vt.使……石化;使……惊呆

  •  fossil ['fɒs(ə)l] : n.化石

  • permian ['pə:miən] : n.二叠纪

The Chemnitz fossil trees, mostly conifers and ferns, are particularly well preserved. Volcanic minerals seeped into them soon after the eruption and petrified them before bacteria and fungi could rot their tissues away. Mr Luthardt and Dr Rössler selected 43 of the largest specimens and looked at their growth rings.


  • seep into [siːp]:渗入

  • eruption [ɪ'rʌpʃ(ə)n]:n. 爆发,喷发;火山灰

  • specimen ['spesɪmɪn] :n.标本

They found 1,917 rings which were in a good enough state to be measured under a microscope. They knew that the trees had died simultaneously, giving them a baseline to work from, and so were able to compare the rings from different plants. They were stunned by how clearly they could see the cycles.


  • be stunned by [stʌnd] :因某事而感到吃惊

About three-quarters of their specimens showed synchronous growth peaks like those caused by modern sunspot activity. In total, the rings they measured let them study 79 years of forest growth before the eruption. During this period, the solar cycle averaged 10.6 years. That compares with 11.2 years in the modern era, although this figure conceals wide variation in the lengths of individual cycles. Within statistical limits, then, it seems that the sunspot cycle was the same in the early Permian as it is now, suggesting that the sun’s magnetic oscillations were the same then as they are at present. Whether that is a coincidence has yet to be determined, but there is no reason why the method Mr Luthardt and Dr Rössler have developed should not be applied to other petrified forests, from different periods, to find out.

约四分之三他们观察的样本展示出了与现代太阳黑子活动相似的周期。总的来说,他们所测量的年轮能够体现出火山爆发前79年的树木生长情况。在那一时期,太阳活动周期平均为10.6年。与之相比,现代的太阳活动周期平均为11.2年,不过这个数据不包括长时间以来生物个体发生的各种各样的变化。统计学认为,因为二叠纪早起的太阳黑子周期与近代相似,那么就能够认为,现在太阳的磁振荡与那时也同样相近。这是否是一个巧合还有待考证,但这并不意味着Luthard先生与Rössler 博士自创的方法不能用来寻找其他处于不同时期的的石化森林。

  • synchronous ['sɪŋkrənəs]:adj.同时的,同步的

  • oscillation [,ɒsɪ'leɪʃn]:n.振幅

  • petrified ['petrɪfaɪd]:adj.石化的


翻译 ▍陌生  静水  Ezio

审核 ▍妖精

编辑 ▍苏叶

Try to translate 

Volcanic minerals seeped into them soon after the eruption and petrified them before bacteria and fungi could rot their tissues away.

Put Chinese below




