全文截稿: 2021-10-31
影响因子: 2.894
• 大类 : 地学 - 3区
• 小类 : 地球化学与地球物理 - 3区
Applied Geochemistry in hydrobiogeochemistry of redox-sensitive components: A tribute to Zhaoli Shen
Scope of the Special Issue
Redox sensitive components are widely distributed in groundwater systems, including As, Cr, U, Fe, Mn, N, S, et al. Some of those components are toxic to human being. It is of significant importance in characterizing distribution, transformation, and mobility of those components in aqueous systems, which require an understanding of roles of hydrogeological settings, redox processes, electron transfer pathways, and their interactions with natural organic matter, microbes, and mineral phases. As a ubiquitous component, natural organic matter, being acting as electron donor and energy source or electron shuttle, readily triggers redox processes. An in-depth understanding the roles of natural organic matter in redox processes of those components depends on comprehensive characteristics of natural organic matter, tracing of isotopic signatures, on-site pilot trial, laboratory simulation experiment, and coupled groundwater flow-reactive transport modeling. How to explore and trace interaction among water, rocks, organic matter and microbes and its role in redox processes of those components remains a big challenge.
The special issue is seeking for high quality submissions in the areas of water-rock-microbe interaction, organic matter characterization, transformation and biogeochemical processes of redox-sensitive components in groundwater systems. The major themes include (but not limited to) the following areas: (1) Interaction among water, rocks and microbes in aquifer systems; (2) Optical and molecular characteristics of natural organic matter in groundwater; (3) Controls of natural organic matter on transformation of redox-sensitive elements; (4) Isotopic signatures of redox-sensitive elements-related biogeochemical processes; (5) Natural attenuation of contaminants in groundwater systems; (6) Coupled groundwater flow-reactive transport modeling of solutes.
As this will be a virtual special issue, the submitted paper will be reviewed, revised and published in its individual schedule. No delay is expected for any synchronization of the entire issue. However, the tentative dates outlined below will be followed to make sure the virtual special issue can be completely and compiled on time.
First Submission: May 1, 2021
Submission Deadline: October 31, 2021
First Review Decision: December 31, 2021
The final acceptance deadline: February 28, 2022
Expected Publication Date: May 31, 2022