Curbs on religious garb were tightened in the 1990s. Fatma Benli, a lawyer and parliamentarian, remembers being asked to remove her scarf before defending her dissertation in the late 1990s. In 1999 an MP who came to parliament in a headscarf was booed out. That began to change after 2002, as the Justice and Development (AK) party consolidated power. Today 21 covered women sit in parliament. Critics say the AK party has promoted veiling by preferring veiled job applicants and conservative groups. Binnaz Toprak, a sociologist and opposition politician, has found that some women, especially in the public sector, wear the scarf to further their careers.
二十世纪九十年代对宗教服装的限制更加严格。作为一名律师和国会议员,Fatma Benli记得九十年代末她在论文答辩前被要求除去头巾。1999年一位国会议员因戴头巾进入国会而被赶了出去。随着正义与发展(AK)党巩固权利,自2002年后情况开始改变。今天有21位戴头巾的女性在国会占据席位。批评家说AK党通过倾向选择遮面的求职者和保守团体,从而促使妇女去戴头巾。社会学家和反对党政客Binnaz Toprak发现有些女性通过戴头巾以求升职,这种情况在公共部门尤其严重。