专栏名称: 今日佳音
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今日佳音  · 公众号  · 基督教  · 2018-02-05 11:58



制作:每日箴言 | 诵读:楚云 | 片头:张妙阳

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A Wasteful Seed Story


—路 8:5

“A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up.” - Luke 8:5



Imagine the setting: Jesus has been preaching in many towns and villages. On this particular day, a large crowd gathers from town after town. Jesus stops, looks at the crowd, and tells the story of a farmer who scatters seed that lands on the footpath, on rocky soil, among thorns, and also on good, fertile soil.


A lot of seed was wasted as the farmer spread it wide. But Jesus was not trying to teach people good planting practices. He was asking everyone to consider this story from the Father’s point of view. It’s likely that very few of his listeners caught Jesus’ point in this parable. Even his disciples had to ask him what the story really meant.


Here’s the scoop. Jesus himself is the sower as he spreads the word of God in all kinds of people’s minds and hearts. Some pay attention and hear, and others don’t. Jesus ends the story by urging people to pay attention to his words so that the Word of God can root and grow in them. That’s how the kingdom of God comes, under the conditions of God’s patient mercy through his Son.


Are you someone whose heart is fertile soil to hear God’s Word? And are you spreading that seed widely and wildly to others?




Dear Jesus, test the soil of my heart today. Thank you for wastefully spreading your good Word in my life. Make my heart ready to receive the gift of your life-giving Word, that it may grow and produce a crop to share with others. Amen.


路加福音 8:4-15

Luke  8:4-15

4 当许多人聚集,又有人从各城里出来见耶稣的时候,耶稣就用比喻说:

5 “有一个撒种的出去撒种。撒的时候,有落在路旁的,被人践踏,天上的飞鸟又来吃尽了。
6 有落在磐石上的,一出来就枯干了,因为得不着滋润。
7 有落在荆棘里的,荆棘一同生长,把它挤住了。
8 又有落在好土里的,生长起来,结实百倍。”耶稣说了这些话,就大声说:“有耳可听的,就应当听!”
9 门徒问耶稣说:“这比喻是什么意思呢?”
10 他说:“神国的奥秘只叫你们知道,至于别人,就用比喻,叫他们‘看也看不见,听也听不明’。
11 这比喻乃是这样:种子就是神的道。
12 那些在路旁的,就是人听了道,随后魔鬼来,从他们心里把道夺去,恐怕他们信了得救。
13 那些在磐石上的,就是人听道,欢喜领受,但心中没有根,不过暂时相信,及至遇见试炼就退后了。
14 那落在荆棘里的,就是人听了道,走开以后,被今生的思虑、钱财、宴乐挤住了,便结不出成熟的子粒来。
15 那落在好土里的,就是人听了道,持守在诚实善良的心里,并且忍耐着结实。




诗篇 126:5

