专栏名称: Aloha成长英语
ALO~HA你好,ALOHA~再见,ALOHA我爱你。ALOHA精神通常被描述为关心、接纳与尊重等。Aloha Growing English正是要秉持这种精神,让成长之路更有爱,让孩子们学会用另一种语言拥抱世界, ALOHA,WORLD!
51好读  ›  专栏  ›  Aloha成长英语

购物季,聊聊"血拼"那些事儿(二)(不只是语言!收藏!) 暨 词汇、句子与家庭语言教育(八)

Aloha成长英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-01-25 03:48


一转眼,已到农历年底,家家户户节前采购 pre-festival shopping基本完毕了,小编也抽空把购物篇写完了,和之前的 购物季,聊聊"血拼"那些事儿(一) 踩在2016的尾巴上:因胡桃夹子忆Xmas(圣诞) 构词一个小系列,分享给大家。

全球著名的 scholastic (学乐) 研究报告 10 Research-Tested ways to Build Children’s Vocabulary 《10种基于研究的增加孩子词汇量的方式》吗? 其中有两点与语言(中英文都是如此)启蒙与教育相关,一个是 “给孩子读书” ,另一个是许多人在研究并实践的 “通过高质量的谈话提升孩子词汇量和句子量” 。(详见 购物季,聊聊"血拼"那些事儿(一)

建议:根 据自己的基础进行学习、复习、根据兴趣和恰当的时机和时长(学语言不能求快、不能功利) 进行循序渐进地英语启蒙(通过听 磨耳朵,磨什么?熟悉英语的语音语调,韵律节奏,获取可理解性输入,积累听说词汇,慢慢在实践中体会音速、听辨,先有感性认识,不急着认读写单词或字母)


黑色星期五 & 网购星期一 (引申为 口语与写作中 讨论 实体店购物 & 网购


词汇、句子与家庭教育(如合理消费、 为什么猪形储蓄罐这么多?  ......)

文末,附 TED演讲视 —Less Stuff, More Happiness(东西越少,越幸福)

第一部分: Cyber Monday 网购星期一

Cyber 源自希腊语单词Kubernetes,意思是舵手。诺伯特·维纳在《控制论》中使用Cybernetics一词,现在作为前缀,代表与Internet相关或电脑相关的事物,即采用电子或计算机进行的控制。

结合词源,Cyber Monday不再是希腊语中的“‘舵手’星期一”,而是“剁手星期一”与“网购星期一”啦。

PS: 所以,向老外介绍双11,可以用Cyber Monday作比拟。

第二部分:Black Friday 黑五 VS Cyber Monday 网购星期一

由感恩节带来的假期(time spent with family家庭时光, delicious/scrumptious/yummy/tasty food美食-再次注重词汇的多样性, tempting sales诱人的促销),与黑五相比,各有什么利弊呢?


基于USATODAY 的新闻(网址如上),小编提取了些词句

But which one is better? Now that practically everything is offered online, is there really a reason to 冒着严寒 brave the cold(在亲子运动会一文中 让女儿跟读过的) and camp out on the sidewalk? Let's find out.


Accordingto a survey commissioned by NerdWallet and conducted by Harris Poll, this year 3 out of 4 Americans plan to shop Black Friday sales(据NerdWallet调查,四分之三的美国人在黑五进行抢购). And they'll spend more money than they did last year — 20% more... So, what's all the fuss about and are the potential savings really worth facing the crowds?


There's nothing quite like the thrill (and novelty) of piling (堆积)into the car in the weehours of the morning and waiting for your favorite retailer to open its doors. Adventure awaits: Will you score the ultimate doorbuster deal? Or how aboutthat unannounced surprise sale that could be offered? Both are very realpossibilities that you can only experience live 现场and in person亲自. And sometimes nothing can replace the sensory experience 感官体验especially when shopping for clothing服饰 or furniture家具.

You don'thave to worry about shipping costs or canceled orders either, because you'll be cart ing  your loot 战利品 home.


If the turkey-dinner tryptophan hits you hard and the last thing you want to do is swing by your neighborhood Best Buy, then Black Friday shopping might not be for you.

The chaotic crowds and potentially aggressive atmosphere aren't for the faint of heart.

Plus, the frenzy makes it easy to get caught up in "deals" and overspend花费更大: Sure, you've got two flat screen TVs at home, but this one is only$200.

Finally,by shopping in-person on Black Friday, you r un the risk of items selling out 亲自在实体店采购,有售罄的风险. Doorbuster 开门大抢购 deals may have limited quantities 限量.

There's nothing worse than surviving the early hour, the elements and the brutal crowds only to come home empty-handed. 没什么比早早等候在拥挤的人潮中,却空手而归更让人失落的了


To some,Cyber Monday offers many of the same benefits of Black Friday without all the hassle. According to the National Retail Federation, Cyber Monday (the Mondayafter Thanksgiving weekend) is expected to contribute significantly to overallholiday sales — an anticipated $105 billion in online sales, So, is it worthopting for the couch instead of the mall?

Pros 赞成在网购星期一采购的

One ofthe best aspects of Cyber Monday shopping is the ease of comparing prices 轻松比价 . If you're not sure that you're getting the absolute best price on the laptop you've been coveting, another retailer is only a click away.

Plus, you save so much time 节约时间 . Rather than hopping back in the car or walking across themall, you can get to the next store on the Internet in mere seconds. CyberMonday sales also tend to be store-wide rather than product-specific, which can be a good thing if you're not looking for a particular make or model of aproduct.

Shopping from the comfort of home or work makes for more rational 更为合理的决定 decisions , and you'renot dealing with the crowds.

Finally, the pleasure of shopping in PJs can't be discounted. There's nothing better than curling up on the couch 蜷缩在沙发上 with a cup of cocoa and getting your spend on.

curl up in the blanket 蜷缩在毯子里 --2014年冬天在 I am a bunny 绘本的最后一页读到过

Cons 反对在网购星期一采购的

Shoppingonline isn't all cozy clothes and relaxed browsing; it does have its downsides确点.

CyberMonday lacks many of the doorbuster deals that Black Friday is famous for, and it's unlikely you'll receive extra prizes for being first in line. You also miss out on possible in-store-only offers and the excitement and of the day.错失实体店折扣,错过当天激动人心的时刻

Additionally, 延迟满足 the delayed gratification is no joke . It can be tough to score the one tech toy you've been coveting for months and then have to wait five to seven business days for it to arrive. And don't forget about the shipping costs.邮费

Plus, you always run the risk of being disappointed when it arrives. 收到实物后会感到失落 Things tend to look different online, and something might be slightly off in color颜色 or a different texture材质 than you anticipated. (有轻微色差,或材质与预计的有所出入)And then you have to deal with an inconvenient return 退货不便 that might involve shipping costs 邮费自付. A serious bummer.




第三部分:Boxing Day 节礼日


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