专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-05 10:44


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,本周土耳其所有钢厂都已上调国内废钢收购价格。与电弧炉钢厂相比,一个月来保持国内废钢收购价格不变的高炉钢厂本周宣布的涨幅更高。

All Turkishsteel makers have increased their domestic scrap buying prices this week. Blastfurnace mills, which kept domestic scrap prices unchanged for a month, have announced higher increases this week compared to electric arc furnacemills, Kallanish observes.

同时,来自美国的进口重熔废钢 HMS 1&2 80:20 价格本周继续上涨,而来自波罗的海的同等级废钢价格则保持不变。

Imported HMS1&2 80:20 prices from the US have meanwhile continued increasing this week,while the same grade from the Baltic remains unchanged.

土耳其南部一家钢厂从美国供应商处购买的 HMS 80:20 价格为 296.5 美元 / 吨,碎废钢价格为 301.5 美元 / 吨,优质废钢价格为 306.5 美元 / cfr 土耳其。在上周的交易中, HMS 80:20 价格为 295 美元 / cfr 。两家钢厂从波罗的海购买的 HMS 80:20 价格分别为 293 美元 / 吨和 293.5 美元 / cfr 。同时,马尔马拉一家钢厂从欧盟购买的同等级废钢价格为 289 美元 / cfr 。预计土耳其钢厂将继续购买 12 月装运的船货。

A mill insouthern Turkey has bought HMS 80:20 at $296.5/tonne, shredded $301.5/t andbonus grade $306.5/t cfr Turkey from a US supplier. In the previous HMS80:20 booking last week, HMS 80:20 corresponded to $295/t cfr. Two millsconcluded HMS 80:20 purchases from the Baltic at $293/t and $293.5/t cfr respectively. Meanwhile, the same grade from the EU has been bought by aMarmara mill at $289/t cfr. Turkish mills are expected to continue purchasing December-shipment cargoes.


WhileTurkish mills continue buying scrap, they are struggling to deal with the sharpfluctuation of the lira against other currencies.

土耳其一家废钢回收厂的消息人士在周三告诉 Kallanish :“由于汇率急剧波动,生意变得更加困难。钢厂不得不提高国内废钢价格。随着里拉贬值,我们的价格每天都会变得更便宜。”

A Turkishscrap yard told Kallanish on Wednesday: “Business has become harder due tothe highly volatile exchange rates. Mills have been forced to increase domesticscrap prices. Our prices become cheaper each day with the depreciation of thelira.”


Due to the weaker domestic currency, Turkish producers are gradually increasing their domestic rebar offers on a lira basis, despite the low levels of demand. Millshave also further increased their export prices due to livelier demand abroad.


Scrap flowin Turkey’s domestic market is at regular levels. New measures against Covid-19are yet to impact scrap collection.

目前土耳其拆船废钢价格为 280 美元 / 吨交货价,周环比持平。爱琴海地区的汽车打捆废钢价格上涨 10 里拉 / 吨,至 2,210 里拉 / 吨( 260 美元 /
