David Allen 问答环节
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1. 对于自由职业者,您会推荐哪些有用的GTD工具?
每个人都需要一些工具来运用GTD; 但根据我的经验,目前为止还没有一个最好的。过去曾有过。20世纪80年代初,当我第一次参与开发该方法论的培训时,没有比丹麦纸质版TimeSystem(也就是美国所称的Time Design)更好的工具了。那年代如果你有一个口袋日历,你就是一个奇葩。所以我和我当时的搭档看到这个工具后,将其翻译成英文并成为他们第一个美国经销商。我们在所有培训中都包含了该工具(以及后来的美国版本),因为那时,它绝对是管理GTD-esque列表和个人参考管理的最佳方式。在这之后又出现了Palm Pilot。因为我自己开始使用这个工具,所以我不能完全说纸质规划师是最好的。一旦数字版本的列表管理上线了,对于许多人来说是更好的方法。现在有数百种可用的列表管理工具,其中大部分是基于GTD方法论构建的。他们都只是列表管理,有许多不同的花里胡哨。你用的任何工具都可以是最好的,只要它适合你。这可以是从活页笔记本到Excel电子表格到在线自定义版本的Salesforce。
坦率地说,除了GTD流程本身之外,“个人流程管理”领域没有任何内容。许多人误认为GTD必须以某种形式在书中给出各种建议; 大多数人也认为GTD是一个“系统”而不是“系统化流程”,当然,它确实是一个系统。在不同的情况下,人们会自定义GTD, 或者说这个系统化流程看上去像x,y或z。任何能使你腾空大脑,创造认知空间和处于当下自由的,消除干扰的,就是GTD. 如果你雇佣40人在何时何地的跟随你,信任地把你脑中的一切卸载给他们,或者在需要时让他们作为你的提醒工具,你其实不用任何工具,或者附加流程。他们就是你的GTD.
English Version
Q&A with David Allen
are a couple of questions David was recently asked and his answers:
1. Are there some great GTD-related tools that you would recommend to
Everyone will need some tool to implement GTD; but in my experience, now there is
no best one. There used to be. When I first got involved in developing training
around this methodology in the early 1980's, there was no better tool than the
Danish paper-based planner called TimeSystem (Time Design in the U.S.) Back
then if you even had a pocket calendar, you were a geek. So I and my partner at
the time, once we saw that tool, had it translated into English and became the
first U.S. distributor. We included that tool (and a later U.S. version) in all
of our trainings, because at that time, it absolutely was the best way to
manage GTD-esque lists and personal reference management. Then came the Palm
Pilot. At that point, because I started to use that tool myself, I couldn't in
all integrity say the paper planner was the best. As soon as digital versions
of list management became available, for many people that was the way to go.
Now there are literally hundreds of list-management tools available, most of
which were built off the GTD methodology. They're all just list managers, with
a plethora of different bells and whistles. The best one is whatever one you
will actually use--and that can range from Post-it's on pages in a loose-leaf
notebook to Excel spreadsheets to customized versions of Salesforce on line.