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猛犸君侯  · 微博  · 教育  · 2020-02-04 19:35


2020-02-04 19:35

【连载】【纪录片.BBC.入欧?脱欧?.Europe.Them.or.Us.2016】英国一直游离在欧洲边缘,不能太远,太远则失去影响;不能太近,太近则卷入乱局。脱欧还是入欧确实是英国To Be or Not To Be的问题,在6月英国即将公投决定与欧盟关系之际,Nick Robinson从历史到未来,从政局到经济,从官方到民间,作出全面分析。
As the UK gears up to decide its future in the June referendum, Nick Robinson explores the troubled history of the UK's relationship with Europe.

An Island Apart
Europe: Them or Us
Episode 1 of 2

The critical decision Britain's voters are about to take in the referendum is the culmination of decades of agonising debate about Britain's place in Europe, and its often lethal effect on British politics.

This programme takes viewers into the corridors of power to hear from the men and women who took the decisions which led us to where we are today. The first episode examines why British governments first shunned the new Common Market then begged to join it. It explores the decisive part played by three British prime ministers - Winston Churchill, Harold Macmillan and Edward Heath. After being humiliated by the French president Charles de Gaulle when Britain first applied to join, Heath triumphantly took the UK into the Common Market ten years later. But the seeds of today's problems were already being sown.

The unfamiliar story - sometimes witty, sometimes poignant - emerges from a series of special interviews with Heath and two of his successors, Tony Blair and David Cameron, as well as other key British players - Roy Jenkins, Enoch Powell, Shirley Williams, Barbara Castle, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Farage and William Hague - plus the main civil servants and diplomats involved on both sides of the English Channel. Some of the interviews come from the 1996 BBC Two series The Poisoned Chalice, also produced by John Bridcut.
