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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-04-21 06:00




People moving


Fiction about migration


In his fourth novel Mohsin Hamid explores the migrant experience


From the print edition | Books and arts

Mar 16th 2017

IF THE history of human civilisation is of the collapse of distance—from walking to horses to carriages to motorised transport to jet engines—then what happens when you take that thread to its logical conclusion, when it becomes possible to move from any one place on Earth to another simply by walking through a door? This is the central conceit of “Exit West”, Mohsin Hamid’s fourth novel, which is set in a world wracked by war and poverty, a world not unlike our own, in which mysterious doors allow passage from London to Namibia or from Amsterdam to Brazil.

如果人类文明的历史就是消除距离阻碍的历史——从步行到骑马,再到马车、机动车、喷气式引擎——那么,当你顺着这种逻辑得出结论,,即当你能仅仅穿过一扇门便可从地球的某处移动到另一处时,会发生什么呢? 这便是穆赫辛·哈米德第四部小说《西方出口》的中心假定,这个故事中设定的世界饱受战争与贫穷摧残而破败不堪,这与我们生活中的世界一样,在那个世界里存在一种神秘门,可以使你在伦敦与纳米比亚之间或阿姆斯特丹与巴西之间传送。

In an unnamed country at war with itself live Saeed and Nadia, who in the span of a few short chapters see their world transform, without fuss , into a barbarous place of violence and brutality . When they hear about secret black doors that will spirit them away, they take their chance, arriving first at a refugee camp on the Greek island of Mykonos, and later in London, where they share a house with others fleeing third-world problems. There is not much by way of plot except constant movement and a tender—and, given the circumstances, surprisingly familiar—love story of coupling and conscious uncoupling. But plot, as has become a habit with Mr Hamid, is just scaffolding.

在这个充满战火的无名国家里,居住着赛义德和纳迪娅。在短短几章的篇幅里他们见证了自己的世界逐步转变成了一个充斥着暴力、残忍行为的野蛮地方。当他们听说了黑色密门能把他们偷偷带走,就抓住了机会,先抵达希腊的米科诺斯岛的难民营,后来转移到伦敦,与其他逃离第三世界国家的人们合住。 (期待您的翻译,明天将会有针对这句话的长难句接续哟~) 但情节,由于对哈米德先生来讲已经成为习惯,只起框架作用。

  • Fuss n 忙乱;大惊小怪

  • Barbarous a 粗野的;野蛮的

  • Brutality n 残忍;野蛮

It is tempting to characterise “Exit West” as magic realism . But it is better read as a sharply pointed story of migration. No matter how long the coils of razor wire or how beautiful the walls or how legion the border guards, migrants will continue to move around the world, Mr Hamid seems to be saying with his black doors. And no matter how persistent the efforts at integration
