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Puro Space | 诗意东方

室内设计联盟网  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-06 14:00



The Designer


参色/Ture color

Design appeal
A private house located in Taipei, the owner is a happy family of four. The house area is 132 square meters and the outdoor terrace is 50 square meters. The owner hopes to have a quiet place far away from the hustle and bustle of the city in the suburbs, with oriental temperament and can also own it. The sense of fashion and comfort to maintain a balance between function and aesthetics.

Design concept
设计师刘孟骅认为, “唯⼀的⾃由是回转到⾃⼰,回转到⼼”, 回转于⼼每个⼈或有不同的体认, ⽽家是其中⼀种, 回到⼀处能够卸下、归属⾃我初⼼的地⽅, “参⾊”概念亦是如此, 期待空间存在的感受是体悟与放下, 而这过程即是[参], 出门在外尽情接受⽣命给的⼀切,回到家仅需感受⼼的⾃由。 ⾯对真实本我的过程中,将物件与造型的陈述呈现“刚好状态”
Designer Liu Menghua believes that "the only freedom is to turn to oneself and to the heart." Everyone may have a different understanding of the heart, and home is one of them. You can remove it when you go back to one place. The place where one belongs to one's original intention is the same. The feeling of expecting the existence of space is to realize and let go, and this process is [Seeing], go out and accept everything given by life, and return home Just feel the freedom of your heart. In the process of facing the real self, the statements of objects and shapes are presented in a "right state".

Expression and presentation
基底硬装以纯净简约为主,透过事前规划、家具软装规划,展现具弹性更动的多元思维,客厅的双主墙面仅需调整沙发即可变换视⾓、书房和⼩孩房可依需求调整为双次卧,刚好描绘待在每⼀隅空间时,都能感受内⼼的安定与平静,这是设计与氛围的⼒量,同时也是璞沃⼀直期待能创造的现代禅。 设计初期拟好⽣活状态,在采光极佳的露台旁开了⼀条景观廊道,让窗外绿意和⾃然光线引领入室,动线的变化,也使家与家庭成员的互动富有⽣动温度,围塑⼀个让⼈想常待且长住的家,透过空间提升⽣活模式,凝聚彼此距离。 “当⾝⼼逐渐感到放松,开始静静地体悟生活并感受自己时,愉悦的幸福将油然而生,设计师认为这就是[参⾊]想回馈于⼼的礼物。
The base hard decoration is mainly pure and simple. Through pre-planning and furniture soft decoration planning, it shows a flexible and dynamic multi-minded thinking. The double main walls of the living room only need to adjust the sofa to change the visual, study and children's room. Adjusted to double bedrooms according to needs, just to describe how you can feel the stability and calmness of your heart when you stay in every corner of the space. This is the power of design and atmosphere, and it is also the modern Zen that Puwo has always been looking forward to creating. In the early stage of the design, a landscape corridor was opened next to the terrace with excellent lighting, allowing greenness and natural light outside the window to lead the room. The changes in the dynamic lines also make the interaction between home and family members lively Temperature shaping a home that makes people want to stay for a long time, improving their living mode through space and converging distance between them. “When the mind gradually feels relaxed and begins to quietly realize life and feel yourself, happy happiness will arise naturally, and the designer believes that this is the gift [现路] wants to give back to the heart.


首发 x 隐序制作 | 克制留白的家
