专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-27 09:49


印度主要钢铁生产商对中央政府从 3 25 日开始实施为期三周的全国封城措施做出不同程度的反应。

India’smajor steel producers have reacted to varying degrees to the three-weeknationwide lockdown imposed by the central government from 25 March.

JSW Steel 表示,该公司已缩减或暂停旗下各部门的制造业务,这意味着“……在封城期间,产能利用率预计将大幅下降。”此举是为了支持遏制新冠肺炎疫情蔓延的措施,尽管钢铁被列为不受封城限制的基本大宗商品。

JSW Steelsays it has either scaled down or suspended manufacturingoperations across its units, meaning “…capacity utilisation is expected togo down significantly during this period of lockdown.” The steelmaker is doingthis to support measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 and despite steelbeing on a list of essential commodities exempt from the lockdown.


The firm’sspokesman did not specify the degree of production cuts. The firm, however,says “…the overall adverse impact on the operations of the company during theperiod of this lockdown… and the expected financial impact is not ascertainableat this stage.”

同时,印度国有钢铁企业 Steel Authority of India (Sail) 表示,该公司已“……合理安排”旗下钢厂的生产,因为疫情影响到原材料供应,并限制了物流支持和销售。该公司表示:“因此,在封城期间,产能利用率可能会下降。”该公司补充称,无法预测这对公司运营的总体影响。

State-ownedsteelmaker Steel Authority of India (Sail), meanwhile, says it has“…rationalised” production across its plants as the situation is impactingavailability of input materials, as well as restricting logistics support andsales. “Consequently, the capacity utilisation is likely to go down during thisperiod of lockdown,” the firm says. The overall impact of the situation onoperations is not foreseeable, it adds.


This comesdespite reports earlier in the week that the Indian government had askedstate-owned mills to continue production during the lockdown.

Tata Steel 发言人告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),有关 Jamshedpur Kalinganagar 减产 70% 的报道失实。但他拒绝透露更多细节,称公司将很快向市场公布消息。

A Tata Steelspokesman tells Kallanish reports of a 70% production cutat Jamshedpur and Kalinganagar are incorrect. He declined togive more details, however, saying the firm will soon update the market.

尽管有相反的报道,但 ArcelorMittal 发言人表示, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel 的炼铁业务仍在运营,铁矿石开采仍在继续。

Despitereports to the contrary, an ArcelorMittal spokesman says ironmaking at ArcelorMittalNippon Steel remains operational and iron ore mining continues.

同时, Jindal Steel & Power 的一名高管告诉 Kallanish ,该公司“……正在满负荷运行,我们将在未来 20 天继续运营。”他补充说:“我们将在 4 15 日之后重新评估形势,届时将做出合适的决定。”他表示,位于阿曼的子公司 Jindal Shadeed 也仍在运营。

An executiveat Jindal Steel & Power, meanwhile, tells Kallanish thesteelmaker is “…running with full capacity and we will continue for the next 20days.” He adds: “We will review the situation after 15 April and will take asuitable decision at that time.” Oman-based subsidiary Jindal Shadeed alsoremains in operation, he observes.


