专栏名称: Cisco思科CCIE俱乐部
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  Cisco思科CCIE俱乐部


Cisco思科CCIE俱乐部  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-16 17:30



passive-interfase vlan 2000 is set on both SW400, SW401. I removed this command from both, but it did not interfere the solution

price of OSPF on interfaces 9, not 1 as in the example

R3 had a route-target import 65005: 5, and R5 route-target export 65005:5. I rewritten to 65003:3 on both routers

Ping until runs a few minutes, then stops working. Tracing works always, after you try to ping, it starts to work in a few minutes. wrote a comment to this on the exam

Section 1 - Layer 2 Technologies

1.1 Jameson Data Center: Access Port

all switches are configured with VTP (in transparent mode) and all the necessary Vlans is also preconfigured

on SW3 and SW4 interfaces eth0/0 are preconfigured

all unused ports on all switches are turned off and are in vlan 999

everything else as in solution

1.2 Jameson Data Center: ports for external lines

all as in solution

1.3 Jameson Data Center: linking links

all as in solution

1.4 Branch Offices Jameson's Branch

all as in solution

Section 2 - Layer 3 Technologies

2.1 IGP from Jameson, part 1

OSPF on SW3 and SW4 is not configured, you must use the ospf 1 area 0 command on all active interfaces.

and Passive interface command for vlan 100, vlan 101, vlan 911

on R17, you need to put eth0/1 in VRF (this is not mentioned in the task, but is shown in the diagram)

OSPF for AS65001 is fully configured

all as in solution

2.3. IGP Jacob

on all routers pre-configured EIGRP in normal mode.

it is necessary to change into Named mode.

on all routers you need to add loop0 to the routing (no nessasy network comand in normal eigrp mode).

Add the metric scale 153. The required metric is seen from the redistribution section.

R9-R10: sh ip route

2.4. Preliminary merge of Jameson

You must remember to configure BGP between routers R11-R12, R13-R14, R15-16

On routers R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, adding always to the command default-inforamtion originate

on the emergency route in VRF it is necessary to set RD

everything else as in solution

2.5. Pre-fusion of Jacob

all as in solution

2.6. Phase 1 fusion: BGP

all as in solution

2.7. Phase 2 fusion: IGP

on R9 and R10 you need to set interfaces in OSPF

in ospf on R9 and R10 it is possible to take command distance ospf externa 190 (AD more than in EIGRP)

all as in the assignment

2.8. Merging Phases 2: Routing Policy

all as in solution

2.9 IPv6 routing, Part 1

for vlan 100 use the passive-interface (SW3-SW4 should not establish a neighborhood through this interface)

2.10 IPv6 routing, part 2

all as in solution

2.11 Multicast at Jameson's

all as in solution

3.1 Branch offices of Jameson

all necessary interfaces are placed in the vrf (Corp)

all as in solution

3.2. Pre-combine the Jameson VPN gateway

"mpls ip" command is specified on all necessary interfaces in the AS65001. 

I used mpls ldp router-id loopback 0 force

3.3 Phase 2 fusion: VPN

all as in solution

3.4 Routing between VPNs

all as in solution

Section 4 - Security Infrastrucuture

4.1, 4.2 - all as in solution

Section 5 - Infrastructure Services

5.1 - Centralized DHCP

common pool preconfigured

if the job is done with security, then R101 will get the address

you need to configure everything and apply 'clear ip dhcp binding *'

shch dhcp lease with R101

all as in solution

5.2, 5.3, 5.4 - all as in the solution

Numerios of tasks and their number in the exam task is deiifer, the sequence is the same (some tasks are merged)

There was a condition that PE routers in the JACOBS location should not contain AS65001 in the BGP NLRI. I checked on the R50, R51, R52 AS PATH contained AS65001
