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用新课标词汇写英语短文 yellow~zoo 【完结】

李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-20 06:06




欲览全系列之文章,只需轻点文末之#新课标词汇短文 标签,便可尽收眼底。 每篇文章均配有英语朗读音频,以声传情,更增学习之趣味。愿诸君在听读之间,领悟英语之美,享受学习之乐。

课标词汇 (含本篇已完成1450词的创编)

yellow yes yesterday yet yogurt

you young your yours yourself

youth zero zoo



You might be young , but it's never too early to start thinking about your future. Just look at Greta Thunberg - at only 15 years old, she has already made a huge impact by raising awareness about climate change. Her message is clear: say ' yes ' to a sustainable future.

I know you probably feel like you don't have much power to change the world. But the truth is, youth are often the ones pushing society forward. Think about all the social movements led by teenagers and college students - whether it was civil rights or climate actions. Young people have always been on the frontlines fighting for justice.

The key is believing in yourself and not waiting around for someone else to solve our problems. If there's an issue you care deeply about, educate yourself on the solutions and take action. Join an advocacy group at your school or in your community. Spread awareness on social media. Talk to your friends and family to make sure your voice is heard.

But don't feel like you have to go it alone. Connect with other passionate youth to exchange ideas and build momentum for change. There may already be clubs or nonprofits aligned with your cause that would welcome your involvement and fresh perspective.

Yesterday 's leaders left us with a lot of challenges to tackle - climate change, inequality, food insecurity. It can seem overwhelming. But we also have more tools and technology now than ever before to drive progress. Young changemakers like you give me hope that tomorrow can be better than yesterday .

The future is unwritten. Let's work together to make it a bright one. After all, youth is a time for optimism, creativity, and pushing boundaries. It's your time. Make the most of it. Zero limits!

In this journey, don't forget to take care of yourself , including simple pleasures like enjoying a bowl of yogurt . It's important to maintain a balance. Your health and wellbeing are yours to cherish and nurture. Remember, the challenges of today, like the busy zoo of life, require your energy and attention. Yet , with determination and a proactive attitude, there's nothing you can't achieve.

As you embark on this path, wear your metaphorical yellow badge of courage proudly. It symbolizes the bright and positive energy you bring to every endeavor, lighting the way for others as well.

