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教学技巧网  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-08-23 20:00


jiaoxuejiqiao.com 【教学技巧网】

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1. 介词不能单独使用,必须与动词连用。

2. 介词后跟名词、代词和动名词。

3. 地点副词前介词通常省略。

如:go home(home 是地点副词,前不加 to)。

口诀: 这那里(here/there),楼上下(upstairs/downstairs),国内外(home/abroad)
1. at+时刻前
例:at six o’clock

2. in+不能具体到天
例:in spring

3. on+具体到天
例:on Sep.13th

4. 特殊难点: at Christmas/ on Christmas on/at weekends

5. In+the+morning/afternoon/evening At+noon/night
例:on the morning of May 23rd; on a fine afternoon

6. 完成时介词
例:By the end of the last month, I had read 200English books.
例:We have learned 500 words by now.
例:I will have learned 3000 words by the end of the next week.

1. In+大地点(大于等于区)
2. At+小地点(小于区)

例:in Shanghai; in China; at home; at the airport

1. In the south/north/east/west 表示:在内部的东南西北
例:Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部。(中国的内部)

2. On the south/north/east/west 表示:相邻,在外部,接壤
例:On the east of Shanghai is the East Sea.上海的东部就是东海。(上海与东海接壤)

3. To the south/north/east/west 表示:在外部,无接壤,隔海相望
例:Japan is/lies to the east of China. 日本在中国的东部。(日本和中国隔海相望)

1. On the tree 表示:天生长在树上的
例:apples on the tree

2. In the tree 表示:后来上树的
例:birds in the tree

1. On the wall 表示:挂在墙上
2. In the wall 表示:嵌在墙里

Laugh at 嘲笑 point at 指着 throw at 朝某人扔东西 talk at 谈论

1. 大部分动词+to+目的地
2. Sail/leave/set off/set out/head+for+目的地
1. Across 横穿 through 在立体空间中“穿过”
例:across the street(在街的表面横穿) through the forest(在森林这个空间里穿过)

2. Between 在两者之间 among 在三者或三者以上之间
例:between you and me(你我之间) among all the students(在所有学生之间)

3. On 在物体的上面(有接触面) over 垂直正上方(无接触面) above 在上面,高于(不一定垂直)
例:on the table(和桌子接触) over the river(在河的垂直上方) above the house(不一定垂直)

4. Beneath 在物体的下面(有接触面) under 垂直正下方(无接触面)below 非垂直下方(无接触面)
例:beneath the table(和桌子接触)under the tree(在树的正下方) below the surface of the water(在水面的下方,不一定垂直)

5. In front of 在整个物体的前面 in the front of 在物体内部的前面
In front of the room(在房间的前面,即在房间的外面);in the front of(在房间的前部,即在房间的里面)


( ) 1 Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays.

A. on; on   B. at; on

C. in; in   D. in; on

( ) 2 -There is nothing ____tomorrow afternoon, is there?

-No. We can have a game of table tennis.

A. on       B. in

C.out       D. up

( ) 3 A lot of students in our school were born____March, 1981.

A. in       B. at

C. on       D. since

( ) 4 He suddenly returned____ a rainy night.

A. on       B. at

C. in       D. during

( ) 5 My grandfather was born____Oct. 10, 1935.

A. on       B. in

C. at       D. of

( ) 6 The train is starting___five minutes.

A. in       B. at

C. for      D. still

( ) 7 Mike does his exercises ____ seven _____ the evening.

A. on; to   B. at; in

C. by; of   D. at; on

两星题 :

( ) 1 The population of the world has grown very fast ____ four hundred years.

A. for past the B. in the pass

C. in the past  D. for past

( ) 2 I worked on the problem ____ a long time and I worked it out____myself____ last.

A. for; by; at B. in; with; on

C. on; by; in  D. for; for; at the

( ) 3 Mr Brown had lain ____ the ground ____ four hours before they finally found him.

A. on; for     B. at; in

C. on; after   D. in; during

( ) 4 She lived in the mountain village____ the years 1940-1950.

A. between     B. during

C. in          D. since

( ) 5 The American Civil War lasted four years before the North won ____ the end.

A. by          B. at

C. in          D. on


( ) 1. The doctor worked___ five hours___ a rest.

A. for; with   B. on; without

C. about; having D. for; without

( ) 2. Why don’t they build a new road that goes____ the town?

A. to          B. through

C. over        D. round

( ) 3. It was purely ______ chance that the mistake was discovered.

A. in         B. for

C. by         D. from

( ) 4. The company is very famous ______ the high quality of its products.

A. in         B. for

C. by         D. with

( ) 5. Though we have no interests ______ common, we are good friends.

A. on         B. in

C. for        D. at



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