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ADP收购Marcus Buckingham 的TMBC公司以扩大人才投资组合

HRTechChina  · 公众号  · 职场  · 2017-02-04 19:47


这个收购大家关注的不多,但是其实可以关注下~ 人力资源数据管理和咨询服务,更加凸显!

ADP日前收购了美国人力资本公司The Marcus Buckingham Company(TMBC)。该交易将使ADP的客户获得关于员工敬业度与绩效管理更加科学的解决方案。

TMBC基于云计算的绩效和人才管理解决方案StandOut,结合教练和培训能够帮助团队领导提升员工绩效。该解决方案将更名为ADP StandOut。


TMBC服务与全球各大行业的客户的所有员工都将加入ADP。该品牌将整合进ADP,其创始人Marcus Buckingham将担任ADP研究所联席主管。

Buckingham 2016年曾出席在菲尼克斯举行的人力资源行业高管论坛,是畅销书《First, Break All the Rules》和《StandOut》的作者。


TMBC的创始人,Marcus Buckingham 可是大名鼎鼎的人物啊!著名商业思想家、畅销书作家!发现你的优势!打破一切常规!

ADP has acquired The Marcus Buckingham Company (TMBC), an innovator in human capital management (HCM), to bring to ADP clients a more scientific approach to employee engagement and performance. TMBC, and its founder Marcus Buckingham, are pioneers in using data and research to drive talent management practices that help managers build engagement and increase performance in their teams. Their unique approach empowers managers to coach employees based on their strengths and custom-design teams based on those strengths.

TMBC’s cloud-based performance and talent management solution, StandOut, couples applications with coaching and education to give team leaders the tools, insights and data needed to turn talent into better employee performance. Built on decades of groundbreaking research that has uncovered the factors that differentiate high-performing teams, this solution will now be offered as ADP StandOut. TMBC has a global client roster that spans a broad range of industries from professional services to hospitality and includes many companies in the Fortune 100.

“At its core, the strength and differentiation of any company lies in its talent,” said Carlos Rodriguez, president and CEO, ADP. “That is why we are continuing to invest in data-driven talent management solutions with the acquisition of TMBC. The company’s technology and renowned research will add to our existing talent portfolio and puts ADP in a position to better serve the growing number of innovative organizations who are thinking differently about how they manage and engage their talent. We are thrilled to welcome both TMBC’s associates and Marcus into the ADP family.”

According to the Deloitte Global Human Capital Management Trends 2016 report 1 , 77 percent of executives say that people analytics are a priority, but only 29 percent think that they are successfully using outside data to predict workforce trends and target the right talent to meet those trends. With that in mind, the acquisition of TMBC helps ADP further deliver on its talent management strategy of helping companies build better workforces through the strategic use of data and research.
