#美国秋景#拉森火山国家公园(Lassen Volcanic National Park)位于北加利福尼亚,太浩湖(Lake Tahoe)上方。30英里长的拉森火山国家公园公路是该公园的绝佳引荐。一定要在哈特克里克(Hat Creek)停下来看看该地区秋天绚烂的色彩。使用人行横道可以进入隐藏在拉森峰(Lassen Peak)脚下的哈特克里克草地。
Lassen Volcanic National Park is located in Northern California, above Lake Tahoe. The 30-mile Lassen Volcanic National Park Highway offers an excellent introduction to the park. Be sure to stop at Hat Creek to see the area's fantastic fall colors. Use the crosswalk to access hidden Hat Creek meadow at the base of Lassen Peak.