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每天这个时候,萨古鲁与你同在 | Brahmananda Swarupa

時間的玩家TimeIsArt  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-03-21 18:09


编者注:每天18:20-18:30(北京时间,或任何你所在地的当地时间),不管你是在办公室工作还是在走路、睡觉、做饭,不管你在哪里,这个时候请停下一切,唱诵7分钟brahmananda swarupa,然后保持静默3分钟。这个时候是萨古鲁的临在时间(presence time),他与我们同在。萨古鲁说,这首唱诵是和“Isha”联结的最简单方式,可以把这首唱诵当作他的身份证。

“Brahmananda Swaroopa”是萨古鲁圣化的唱诵,如果你将“Brahmananda Swarupa”这首唱诵变成你的生命的一部分,它将唤起你内在的宁静。这个唱诵是Vairagya唱片专辑的一部分,并且可以从 isha中文官网 www.ishachina.org 免费下载。


Brahmananda Swarupa Isha Jagadisha

Akhilananda Swarupa Isha Mahesha

Sadhguru: Brahmananda Swarupa sweetens your life.

萨古鲁:“Brahmananda Swarupa”让你的生命变得甜蜜。

Brahma refers to the creator. The creator has been described as emptiness, as boundlessness, as light, and as darkness. Whatever is the basis of creation, that’s Brahma. And Brahma is Akhila, which means he’s all-pervading.

Brahma指的是造物主。造物主被描述成空、无限、光、黑暗。无论什么是创造的基础,这就是Brahma。Brahma也是Akhila, 意味着它无所不在。

Ananda refers to the blissfulness or ecstasy of the creator. Swarupa is ‘an image’. So, we are talking about an image of the ecstasy of the creator. Isha means that which rules. Jagadisha means the same thing, said in a different way. Jaga means existence. Jagadisha is the ruler of the existence. The creator is referred to in so many ways, so we’re saying this whole existence is an image of the ecstasy of the creator. That’s what the chant fundamentally means.


When we consecrate a sound like this, it has been done with the intention that a large part of you will become stillness but you will retain the liveliness of life around you.


The ecstasy of the creator is manifest in so many ways; it comes in the form of a tsunami, it comes in the form of a tornado, it comes in the form of sunshine, snow, and most of all, absolute stillness. A major part of the creator’s ecstasy is expressed as absolute stillness. Here and there, one planet, one galaxy, little tsunami, little tornado, but a major part of it is stillness.

