专栏名称: 23Plus
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23Plus  · 公众号  · 生物  · 2018-03-23 07:00



好多小伙伴儿不关心whole genome的规律,只喜欢读单个基因的paper。

加分项来了: 别人发paper找到whole genome的规律,我们消化吸收,把规律用到自己的研究中,能给文章提升一个档次。

依据whole genome的规律才有了这个帖子的方法:《 他中了国自然,因为最后一周补了这张图 》,不仅能帮你找到promoter、enhancer,还能找到哪些转录因子结合promoter或enhancer远距离调控基因转录。

找到了 结合enhancer的转录因子,怎样设计实验,怎样讲故事呢? 看下面两个链接里的视频(共6个小时),先帮小伙伴儿建立“远距离调控”的概念,下次分享enhancer调控一个基因的文章。

系列视频1 | UCSD 任兵教授:3D基因组及其应用 (附PPT)

系列视频2 | UCSD 任兵教授:表观基因组学及其方法(附PPT)


主讲人:任兵教授 ,加州大学圣地亚哥分校教授,表观基因组学 先驱 ,ENCODE 计划核心领导者,任教授对表观基因组学的核心贡献包括:开发了 ChIP -on-chip 技术,从组蛋白修饰角度对 enhancer 进行了定义,开拓并引领 3D 基因组学 的研究。——Epigenetics表观遗传学

这么说吧!任兵相当于 表观遗传界的爱因斯坦

  • 发明 了ChIP-on-chip,用芯片在全基因组范围找转录因子的靶基因,后来有了二代测序,才有了ChIP-seq;

  • 以前人们找enhancer可费劲了,自从他定义了用组蛋白修饰找enhancer的方法,人们发现了 几十万个enhancer ,比基因多一个数量级;

  • 细胞核里的染色质可不是乱毛线,他带我们看到了其中的规律。


等我有钱了,测他一亿人的基因组 !等我有钱了,我也做高通量测序,什么高级做什么,什么火做什么,DNase-seq、Hi-C、ChIP-seq、RNA-seq......统统做一遍,能做单细胞就不做混合,只为我心仪的那一个基因。就这么有钱,就这么任性!!!

上个月,大神Keji Zhao在 影响因子22.845分的Cell系列顶级 期刊 Immunity 上发表一篇大paper,大神忠粉小丸子今天带我们一起膜拜赵大神新作。假如自己有钱了,是不是也能发到Cell顶级期刊。



Hu, G., Cui, K., Fang, D., Hirose, S., Wang, X., & Wangsa, D., et al. (2018). Transformation of accessible chromatin and 3d nucleome underlies lineage commitment of early t cells. Immunity , 48, 227–242.e8. (影响因子:22.845)

In Brief

细胞分化和细胞命运的选择与染色质的重构 密切 相关。通过整合分析调控组、3D基因组及转录组数据,本文展示了在HSPC向T细胞系分化中DN2到DN3这一过程中调控组和3D基因组全局的剧烈变化,这一变化砌成了 染色质长城将细胞命运锁定在T系中

原文:Cellular differentiation and cell-fate choice involve substantial chromatin reorganization. Through an integrative analysis of the regulome, 3D nucleome, and transcriptome, Hu and Cui et al. uncover abrupt global changes in the regulome and 3D nucleome at the DN2-to-DN3 transition, establishing a chromatin barrier to lock cell fate into the T lineages.



Figure 1. (A) The combination of cell-surface markers used to purify HSPCs and MPP and CLP cells from mouse bone marrow and ETP, DN2, DN3, DN4, and DP cells from mouse thymus. Indicated at the bottom are the techniques for genome-wide profiles of chromatin accessibility, chromatin interaction, and gene expression.

分选Bone marrow和Thymus不同分化阶段的各种细胞,single cell DNase-Seq!工作量! Keji Zhao的另一篇单细胞DNase-seq《 [CNS]单细胞测序之open chromatin(续)



用了哪些方法? 又聪明又努力又有钱的大神级土豪跃然纸上




T细胞为什么从HPSC细胞分化成了T细胞,为什么没有分化成别的细胞?因为在T cell形成的关键时期(DN2 to DN3) 在chromatin accessibility(DNase-seq结果)、TAD、AB compartments (HiC)、基因表达(RNAseq)层面上变化剧烈,有了chromatin barrier(陡然升起了染色质长城),这座长城阻止了细胞再回首或者选择别的路,限定了它只能义无反顾的走向T细胞的命运。而这一切都与T细胞commitment的关键 转录因子BCL11B 密切相关。

先看chromatinaccessibility长城 :已有报道说 Bcl11b下游有个super enhancer ,那么在细胞分化过程中, Bcl11b怎样被这个super enhancer调控呢 ?主要看图B里面Spi1、 Bcl11b 上的DNase-seq信号的变化,可以发现在DN2->DN3这个阶段,Spi1很明显变少了; Bcl11b 很明显变多了。看括号里面表达值可以发现:Spi1从高表达到不表达是滞后于chromatinaccessibility的,而 Bcl11b 不表达的时候promoter区和super-enhancer区也是有信号的,而它的表达不仅进一步增强了promoter和super-enhancer区的DHS信号,还带来了新的DHSsites(虚线框)。

  • Accessible Chromatin at Genes with Critical Functions in Early T Cells (Fig. 1B)

  • Regulome Reorganization Is Associated with T Cell Commitment (Fig. 1C-G)

Figure 1. Transformation of Chromatin Accessibility Landscape at DHSs

再看TAD长城 ,Fig2A:Meis1,TAD减弱; Bcl11b ,TAD增强。什么是TAD?参见《 系列视频1 | UCSD 任兵教授:3D基因组及其应用 (附PPT) 》。

fig3D、 Bcl11b 、Ets1处的线条是不是更密集了(interaction增加了),F图,这两个基因的表达在后期是不是增加了?

  • Changes of Intra-TAD Connectivity Coincide with T Cell Commitment(Fig.2A-D)

  • Relationship between Changes in Intra-TAD Connectivity and Gene Expression (Fig. 2E)

Figure 2. Dynamics of Intra-TAD Connectivity

前面发现DN2-to-DN3和DN4-to-DP的过程中,chromatin accessibility and TAD connectivity发生了剧烈变化,那么,基因表达水平是不是也一样剧烈变化呢?做 RNA-seq 发现,Surprisingly, a large fraction (up to 46%) of the differentially expressed genes exhibited transient changes during the developmental process (Fig. 3D)

Figure 3. Key Regulators of T Cells Exhibit a Substantial Increase in Interaction

再看一下ABcompartment长城 ,Fig4A:什么是AB compartment呢?这个也可以参见《 系列视频1 | UCSD 任兵教授:3D基因组及其应用 (附PPT) 》Acompartment比较开放,B compartment比较闭塞,所以如果基因从A变到B compartment表达会倾向于被抑制,反之被激活,例如 Bcl11b

  • A Global Flipping of AB Compartments Occurs at the DN2-to-DN3 Transition (Fig. 4A-F)

  • AB Compartment Conversion and Change of Gene Expression (Fig. 4G)

  • All Three Levels of Chromatin Reorganizations Share the Direction of Change

  • The B-to-A Compartment Conversion Occurs at TAD Boundaries (Fig. 5)

Figure 4. Transformation of Compartment Organization

Figure 5. Positional Relationship between Compartment Flipping and TAD Boundary

看完三大长城之后,反过来再看一下一直以来被关注的 Bcl11b跟它们有什么关系。Bcl11b在远距离调控中起什么作用?


B,借助已发表的ChIP-seq数据,看到BCL11B结合的位置既有可能有H3K27ac也能有H3K27me3,它下游还有个super-enhancer。这图你也能画,看这篇《 他中了国自然,因为最后一周补了这张图 》。

C,没有用Y叔的clusterProfiler,差评,详见《 富集分析,俩人做的结果差5岁 | 你用的注释文件有多老? 》;


  • Data Access and Integration with Public ChIP-Seq Data

  • BCL11B Binding Accompanies an Increase in Chromatin Interaction (Fig. 6)

  • BCL11B Facilitates Chromatin Interactions (Fig. 7)

Figure 6. BCL11B Binding Is Associated with an Increase in Chromatin Interaction

Figure 7. Bcl11b Deletion Induces a Decrease in Interaction at BCL11B Targets


In summary, our comprehensive analysis of chromatin organization for eight phenotypically distinctive developmental stages, from HSPC to DP T cells, uncovered a remarkable genome-wide reorganization of the regulome and 3D nucleome at the DN2-to-DN3 transition and again at the DN4-to-DP transition. We propose that these concerted large-scale changes in chromatin organization serve as an epigenetic barrier to lock the cell fate into the T lineages. We expect that our datasets of the regulome and 3D nucleome of early T cells should fit broad interests to address fundamental questions regarding the regulation of transcriptional regulatory networks and their impact on lineage choice during cellular development and differentiation.

当年读研的时候,每当看到last author: Keji Zhao, Richard A. Young, Bing Ren, B.E.B, 当然还有自己导师的时候,都有一种熟悉敬畏的感觉。再次向大神致敬!


