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艾邦高分子  · 公众号  · 化学  · 2017-03-03 17:38


昨天我们发了《 提高双螺杆挤出机共混性能的十大绝招(一) 》点击蓝色字体即可查看,今天我们为您介绍第二部分。


Most people in plastics are aware of the need for anti-seize lubricants.There are several different types: copper-based, molybdenum, lithium, etc. For something like a bolt thread, probably any type will work. Butfor extruder spline shafts the choice of anti-seize is much more critical.Screw elements fit onto the spline shafts with a very small gap tolerance, butlow-viscosity polymers tend to creep down between adjacent elements and getinto this gap. With time and heat, degraded polymer forms a high-strengthadhesive just like an epoxy.
If screws are left together in an extruder without being taken apartperiodically, they can be extremely difficult to remove from the shafts. Thisis why the choice of anti-seize is so important. Many types of anti-seizelubricant are acceptable for a short period of time, but over long periods athigh temperature, they degrade into a fine powder. This makes them a poorchoice for spline shafts, where you need the anti-seize to perform when you'reready to disassemble the screws months or years later. After testing all theanti-seize brands on the market over a period of many years, Leistritz has foundone that is ideal for this application: Fuchs Gleitmo 820, manufactured byFuchs Lubricants in
Germany .Gleitmo 820 is a white grease containing high solids. It is very slippery andis rated for up to 1150 C. What makes it perfect for spline shafts is that itdoesn't degrade into a powder. When the screw elements are removed aftermonthsof use, the Gleitmo 820 is still a slippery grease. Fuchs Lubricants has U.S. distributors and a website (fuchs.com) with technical information.
7. PURGE OFTEN 常常清洗机器

Purging is widely used as an easy way to clean out materials from the extruderand die and to avoid a time-consuming stripdown cleaning There are many typesof materials used for purging, both commercial purge products and "homeengineered" purges. These materials generally fall into two categories:chemical purges and mechanical abrasive purges. Many combine both chemical andabrasive actions.Chemical purges work by attacking the plastic residue like asolvent. Many of them also incorporate a foaming action and require a 5-min"soak" in tbe barrel to allow the chemical action to work.

Mechanicalabrasive purges work by scouring and scrubbing material off the metal surfaces,using friction and shear. Processors do a lot of trial-and-errorexperimentation to find the right purge material and technique. No"magic" purge material will work best for all materials. Commercialpurge products are generally more expensive than "home engineered"purges. But if you can use less material with the commercial purge, or get tbejob done quicker, the total cost may actually be less.

Processorshave run all sorts of materials through extruders, in the quest for a cheap andeffective purge material. For instance,in the U.S. Midwest many operators use cattle-feedcorn, because it's readily available and does a fairly good job of scouring outthe machine. Here are two effective homemade purges:
Mix #/; S0% HDPE (or another htgh-viscosity resin) +50%diatomaceous earth (DE): DE is finely milled fossil shells of tiny seaorganisms. It is readily available in garden supply stores. DE looks like afine powder, but the particles have very sharp, angular edges, which produce ascouring action. Processors who run sheet and film use this purge, as it cansometimes get rid of die lines, saving a lengthy die teardown.
*Mix #2; HDPE or other viscous resin with kitchen cleanser andwater: Mix a slurry of water and three or four cans of Comet or Ajax kitchen cleanser in abucket. Feed HDPE at a normal purging rate and temperature, and slowly pour theslurry into the main feed port. The water in the slurry will flash to steam,which gives a very good cleaning effect combined with the abrasive in thekitchen cleanser. (Safety note: Warn any operators nearby that steam maydischarge from extruder openings. Do not look into the die or vents unlesswearing a full polycarbonate face sbield andlong-sleeved shirt.) Probably themost important thing is to purge often. The object is to prevent old materialsfrom being "baked on" the metal surfaces.Once this happens, purgingwill generally not be able to remove thematerial, and a manual stripdown cleaningwill be the only remedy. One mistake many processors make is to run the purgeonly at a fixed screw rpm. It's much more effective to vary the speed, changingfrom low to medium to high rpm, running for perhaps30 sec at each speed. Thisinduces different shear rates against the metal surfaces, helping to dislodgeold material from the walls.







Color or material changeovers tend to create problems. Extrusion people wouldlike to always have nice long runs. But in the real world, demands fromcustomers mean frequent changeovers to make 80 Ib of Product A, followed by 200Ib of Product B, etc. So it is important to approach changeovers in a waytominimize operator effort and problems:
■Know howcritical is cleanliness to the next product to be run. There are anecdotesaround any extrusion shop of somebody purging for 16 hr to avoid pulling thescrews to brush them off. The point is, if you know the next product requires athorough manual brush cleaning,don't waste time and material trying to get bywith purging.
■Ifpossible, plan runs in order of decreasing cleanliness requirements. Forexample, this means going from light to dark colors. That way, you should faceonly one difficult changeover,when going from the dark color back to a lightcolor.
■Havewritten purging or strip-down procedures to run each product. This helps operatorsplan their time, and eliminates discussions later on about how many pounds ofproduct have to bescrapped because the operator didn't clean the machineproperly.









Extrusion people tend to keep the machinery hot all the time. Operatorstypically turn the heat zones on the minute they come in the plant at 7:00 am.If you're really going to start the extruder at 8:00 am, there's nothing wrongwith this. But often people get distracted with maintenance chores, and theextruder sitsidle, heated to full operating temperature for hours at a time.This is a bad practice because it allows polymer to bake onto the screws andbarrels. Once baked on, the material will continue to degrade and carbonize.Purging will not remove this material. Even worse, as the extruder is runningproduct, black specks will periodically flake off the screws and barrels,contaminating the product and causing customer complaints. The best way tohandle warm-up is to plan for when you really want to start running theextruder. Then start heating up only as soon as will allow for complete warm-upplus adequate soak time. There are also preferred shutdown/cooldown proceduresto avoid problems with black specks. Before shutting the extruder down, it'sgood practice to fill the extruder and die to the maximum degree with someinert polymer such as HDPE to "seal" the machine. The HDPE displacesoxygen, and coats the metal surfaces to greatly slow down oxidation andformation of carbon. After the extruder has been "sealed," it isbetter to crash cool the machine, rather than let it cool just from exposure toambient air over the next 18 hr. Crash cooling involves turning all thetemperature setpoints down to zero to force the cooling solenoid valves toopen. With the coolant pump running, this will force cool water through allbarrel sections, bringing the temperature down quickly. Quick cooldown doesn'tgive the polymer a chance to degrade and carbonize






鞋业发展离不开材料的发展,只有放下对热点材料的追逐,才能真正回到产品的本质,加强材料创新应用。 3月31日,艾邦将延续前两届鞋材弹性体峰会的交流聚会,在晋江举行第三届峰会,本次活动将加强技术讨论以及供求对接。 还将邀请主要的品牌鞋企材料工程师与鞋材产业链上下游进行对接,促进行业信息传播,资源共享。


(晋江 . 爱乐国际酒店 .3月31日)




1. 鞋材弹性体材料市场现状及发展趋势

IHS 化工聚合物与弹性体副总监 —— 徐徐

2. 鞋材技术创新应用以及晋江鞋业发展探索

晋江泰亚鞋业股份有限公司 研发总监 陈永华

3. 运动实验角度探讨鞋材发展趋势与需求

特步研发创新中心高级总监 张德文

4. 超轻鞋材开发与应用

深博鞋材 尚明体 总经理

5. 户外运动鞋材发展动态
