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【Applied Energy最新原创论文】质子交换膜燃料电池电堆内部加湿设计:模型与实验研究

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-08-26 18:30



Numerical and experimental investigations on internal humidifying designs for proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack




• 提出一种利用反应气体分配区跨膜水传输的燃料电池电堆内部加湿设计 .

• 通过燃料电池三维多场耦合模型对比研究不同电堆设计方案的性能差异 .

• 经电堆三角形气体分配区的空气流体分配较均匀而氢气分配则不一致 .

• 具有加湿效应的分配区设计改善了电堆水含量分布一致性并提高了性能 .

• 内部加湿的电堆设计有利于无外加湿器的紧凑燃料电池系统集成 .



更多关于“fuel cell”的文章请见:https://www.sciencedirect.com/search?qs=fuel%20cell&pub=Applied%20Energy&cid=271429

Abstr act

For an automotive proton exchange membrane fuel cell engine, the efficient water content management is critical to its overall efficiency and lifetime. The fuel cell stack designed with internal humidifying effect is a promising solution for enhanced performance and compact system integration. In this work, a novel internal humidifying fuel cell stack design is proposed which utilizes the water and heat transfer through membrane in the triangular gas feed areas. Validated by the experimental test, a coupled three-dimensional model is developed to compare the fuel cell performance with three different feed area functions. The active feed area design performs the worst with the lowest reaction uniformity, while the humidifying feed area design presents the best performance with greatly improved water content distributions. The internal humidifying stack design is suitable for operations under dry reactants inflow conditions with more performance improvement and more evenly distributed reaction, which is beneficial for the compact fuel cell system integration without external humidifiers. To further improve the internal humidification effects of the stack, the asymmetric inlet/outlet feed areas with specific flow channels will be studied in future work .


Fuel cell stack design

Internal humidification

Three-dimensional model

Water content distribution


Fig. 2. (a) The numerical domains of the multi-physical fuel cell model; (b1) the assembled model structure; (b2) and (b3) the model geometry without current collectors and the detailed mesh building; (c1) and (c2) the porous media domains covered by anode and cathode wavy flow channels with inverse wave phases and opposite gas flow directions; (d1), (d2) and (d3) the three types of stack designs with inactive feed areas without humidification, active feed areas and inactive feed areas with membrane humidification; (e1), (e2) and (e3) photos of the 5-cell short stack at operation, membrane electrode assembly and the designed metallic bipolar plate.
