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《每日原则》:   要记住很多人只是假装为你的利益考虑,而实际上是在追求一己私利

瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-15 14:23



为了了解这一点,可以让某些人在不受监督的情况下,允许他们就其所做的工作向你报价。 当人们向你提供的咨询会影响他们赚多少钱时,例如向你提供咨询建议而按小时收费的律师,或建议你采购物品而能从中抽取提成的销售人员,你就应该特别小心利益冲突问题。 你无法想象我曾见过多少急于为我提供“帮助”的人。

千万别太单纯。 在努力让尽可能多的员工去从事有意义的工作、发展有意义的人际关系的同时,要知道总会有一定比例的员工不关心公司,甚至做一些有损集体利益的事情。

For example, most people will operate in a way that maximizes the amount of money they will get and that minimizes the amount of work they have to do to get it.

To see this, just leave someone unsupervised and allow them to bill you for what they have done.  Be especially wary of this conflict of interest when people are advising you on matters that will affect how much money they earn—such as the lawyer who spends a lot of billable hours giving you advice, or the salesperson who advises you on what to purchase while receiving a commission on the amount that you spend. You can’t imagine how many people I meet who are eager to “help” me.

Don’t be naive. Strive for the highest possible percentage of your population having meaningful work and meaningful relationships while recognizing that there will always be some percentage of the population who won’t care for the community and/or will do it harm.
