专栏名称: 气象学家
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气象学家  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-15 18:54



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学院面向国际科学前沿和服务国家重大需求,积极开展高水平科学研究和一流人才培养。拥有中尺度灾害性天气教育部重点实验室、大气与地球系统科学教育部国际合作联合实验室、 “气候变化”江苏高校协同创新中心、中国气象局气候预测研究重点开放实验室、中国气象局雷达气象重点开放实验室、江苏南京长三角大气过程与环境变化国家野外科学观测研究站等科研平台,与国际一流高校和科研机构建立了长期的交流合作关系,具有较大的国际影响力。




1. 边界层与城市气象

2. 灾害性天气动力、热力及物理过程

3. 气候动力学、气候系统及古气候动力学

4. 气候变化风险评估与灾害应对

5. 地球系统模式研发与行星大气数值模拟

6. 人工智能与气象大数据


1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律和法规,热爱教学科研事业;

2. 具有良好的师德师风,恪守学术道德,勤勉工作,无犯罪记录,无违反师德师风和学术道德惩处记录;

3. 一流的学术背景:具有相关学科领域的博士学位,具有一流教学科研机构的学习、工作经验,熟悉相关领域国际前沿的研究动态,原则上,准聘助理教授要求博士毕业从事学术研究2年以上,准聘副教授要求博士毕业从事学术研究4年以上;

4. 出色的教学能力:应具有能够胜任本专业核心基础课程和前沿课程的教学能力,掌握良好的教学方法,具有较强的语言表达能力;

5. 突出的科研成果显示度与未来科研发展潜力:应有相关研究方向的成果显示度,对相关研究领域有原创性观点,未来研究计划思路清晰,具有较好的学术潜力;

6. 身体健康。


1. 岗位申请信(应明确申报的研究方向、具体岗位);

2. 详细个人简历(含已发表学术成果目录);

3. 研究成果与创新性;

4. 研究计划与研究潜力;

5. 三封推荐信(推荐人应包含博士生导师、博士后导师);

6. 教学经验陈述(含助教等);



1. 事业编制岗位或参照事业编制聘用;

2. 实行年薪制(准聘助理教授年薪27万起);

3. 科研启动经费;

4. 研究生招生;

5. 学校提供短期周转住房和住房补贴,获聘人可优惠购买学校提供的商品房;

6. 协助子女就读小学和中学。








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Tenure-track Faculty Positions in School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, China

I. About the Institute

The atmospheric science program at Nanjing University, founded in 1924, is one of the oldest atmospheric sciences disciplines established in China. Meteorology and atmospheric sciences in the School of Atmospheric Sciences (SAS) are the national key discipline and the national double first-class discipline respectively, and SAS has ranked among the best Chinese meteorology departments in various discipline assessments and rankings. At present, SAS has a high-level research team, including 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and about 30 faculty members awarded by national-level talent programs.

SAS focuses on international scientific frontiers and serves grand national needs, and has actively engaged in high-level scientific research and top-notch talents cultivation. It is home to the Key Laboratory for Mesoscale Severe Weather of Ministry of Education (LMSWE), the Joint International Research Laboratory of Atmospheric and Earth System Sciences (JirLATEST), the Jiangsu Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center for Climate Change, China Meteorological Administration Key.

II. Description of Openings

SAS now has 2 openings for tenure-track assistant professor positions. Areas of specific interests include:

(1) Boundary layer and urban meteorology;

(2) Dynamics, thermodynamics and physical processes of severe weather;

(3) Climate dynamics and palaeoclimate dynamics;

(4) Adaptation and mitigation under climate change;

(5) Atmospheric and earth system modeling, and planetary atmosphere numerical simulation;

(6) Artificial intelligence and big data for meteorology.

III. Conditions for Application

(1) Compliance with law and   regulations of the People's Republic of China, devoted to teaching and   research.

(2) Good professional ethics, no   criminal record, and no record of violating teaching ethics and academic   ethics.

(3) Top-notch academic   backgrounds: Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences or related disciplines, with study   and working experiences in first-class   research institutions with a track record of academic excellence. For   tenure-track assistant professors, at least two years of research experiences   after PhD graduation; for tenure-track associate professors, at least four   years of research experiences after PhD graduation.

(4) Excellent teaching abilities,   competent in the core basic courses and cutting-edging courses, mastering   good teaching methods, and strong oral communication skills.

(5) Outstanding display of   scientific achievements and potential for future career development: systematic   accumulation of research experiences in relevant research disciplines, and a   track record of innovation research with international impact; a clear vision   for future research and great academic potential.

(6) Be in good health.

IV. Supporting Materials for Application

(1) Application letter (with clear declaration of research interests and specific position);

(2) Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publication);

(3) Major research achievements and their novelties and impacts;

(4) Research plan;

(5) Three recommendation letters (referees including the PhD supervisor and postdoctoral supervisor);

(6) Teaching statement (including teaching assistants, etc.).

Please login to the talent recruitment platform of Nanjing University (http://zp.nju.edu.cn/) to submit the application materials required.

V. Compensation Package and Support

A successful applicant will be provided with:

(1) Competitive Annual Salary;

(2) Start-up funding for scientific research;

(3) Qualification for graduate enrollment;

(4) Turnover apartment, housing subsidies, and eligible for purchasing commercial apartments provided by the university under considerable discount;

(5) Assistance in children enrollment in primary and secondary schools.

VI. Application Deadline

Application deadline: August  8, 2024

The application period will be extended appropriately if the number of the applicants for single postition is relatively small.

Please login to the talent recruitment platform of Nanjing University (http://zp.nju.edu.cn/) to submit the application materials required.

VII. Contact Details

Tel.: 86-25-89682541 (Ms. Jiang)

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://as.nju.edu.cn

来源: 南京大学大气科学学院

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