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科研论文 | 吴晨光教授发表一A重要核心期刊论文(一)

中山大学管理学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-31 19:59




教师姓名: 吴晨光 教授

论文题目: Tourism productivity and economic growth

刊物名称: Annals of Tourism Research

期刊卷期数: 2019年第76卷

所有作者: Anyu Liu, 吴晨光(通讯)

学校类别: 一A重要核心期刊论文


This study examines the transmission mechanism between tourism productivity and economic growth, using Spain as an empirical setting. By relaxing the assumption of diminishing return of capital, new growth theory is integrated into the Bayesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model for thte first time in the tourism literature. The results demonstrate the impact of tourism productivity on economic growth and illustrate the spill-over effects between tourism and other sectors caused by the externalities of physical and human capital and public services. The simulation results further disclose that when the productivity of overall economy improves, inbound tourism demand expands more than domestic tourism demand, whereas when the productivity of tourism sector improves, domestic tourism consumption increases more than inbound tourism consumption.


吴晨光,中山大学管理学院教授,博士生导师。在东北财经大学统计学院获得学士及硕士学位,香港理工大学旅游与酒店管理学院获得博士学位。2017-2018年以访问学者身份在英国萨里大学旅游与酒店管理学院进行学术访问。主要从事旅游需求预测及大数据分析、旅游经济影响评估、游客行为等方向的研究。其在SSCI一区(Q1)期刊发表多篇学术论文。吴晨光教授是SSCI期刊 Journal of Travel Research和Tourism Economics的编委会成员。在2019年作为特邀编辑为SSCI期刊Tourism Economics组织编辑了专刊 “Tourism forecasting – New trends and issues”。其已主持两项国家自然科学基金项目,以及多项省部级研究课题。
